AOAP laboratory support is not available, change oil
10. GEAR AND CHAIN CASE. Check level each 200
each 100 hours. Drain when lubricant is warm.
hours. Change gear lubricant only when required by
maintenance repair action, contamination by water, or
6. ENGINE OIL FILTER. Filter is to be replaced each
other foreign material. After refill, operate for 5 minutes,
time an engine oil change is directed by AOAP
check for leaks and bring oil level to level plug opening.
After installing new filter element, fill
crankcase, operate engine 5 minutes, check housing for
leaks, check crankcase oil level and bring to "FULL"
each 50 hours. Change gear lubricant only when
mark. When AOAP laboratory support is not available,
install new filter element each 100 hours.
water, or other foreign material. After refill, operate for 5
minutes, check for leaks and bring oil level to level plug
CARRIER ENGINE. Check level each 10 hours with
engine running at idle speed, oil at operating temperature
12. PLANETARY. Each 50 hours rotate wheel until plug
and transmission in neutral. Maintain oil level to "FULL"
is horizontal with centerline of axle. Remove plug, check
mark. Oil is to be changed each time a transmission oil
level and reinstall. Change gear lubricant only when
change is directed by AOAP laboratory. Drain when
lubricant is warm. Fill transmission to low mark. Run
water, or other foreign material. To drain, rotate wheel
engine at idle speed to fill con-verter and lines. Add oil to
until plug is at bottom center, remove plug and drain.
bring level to low mark. With engine running at idle
Rotate wheel back to level point, fill and reinstall plug.
speed, oil at operating temperature and transmission in
After refill, operate for 5 minutes, check for leaks and
neutral, add oil to bring oil level to "FULL" mark. Operate
bring oil level to level plug opening.
for 5 minutes and check for leaks. When AOAP
laboratory support is not available, change transmission
13. HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR. Check level each 10
oil each 500 hours.
hours. Relieve pressure in reservoir before removing
dipstick to check level. Each 1000 hours, drain hydraulic
system, clean fill cap and screen. Remove filter element,
Filter elements
are to be replaced each time a
clean filter shell, and install new filter element. Refill
transmission oil change is directed by AOAP laboratory.
hydraulic reservoir with OE/HDO, operate hydraulic
Remove filter elements, clean filter housing, install new
system for 5 minutes, check for leaks, check level and
filter elements and seals.
After replacement, fill
bring to "FULL" mark.
transmission to low mark. With engine running, oil at
operating temperature and transmission in neutral, add
14. HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS. Each time the light on
oil to bring oil level to "FULL" mark. Operate for 5
the control panel stays lit after the oil reaches operating
minutes, check filter housing for leaks. When AOAP
temperature replace the filter elements. Remove the
laboratory support is not available, install new filter
filter elements, clean filter shells and install new filter
elements each 200 hours.
elements and gaskets.
After replacement, operate
hydraulic system for 5 minutes, check for leaks, check
level and bring to "FULL" mark.
cleaning service may vary according to local dust
conditions. Clean each 500 hours.
LO 5-3810-295-12
CARD 9 OF 10
15. DRIVE SHAFTS (Universal joints only).
Remove plug and Insert fitting. Lubricate and
reinstall plug.
Using outriggers, raise machine. Turn front and
rear wheels left or right. Rotate until fittings
The following is a list of