TM 10-3950-206-12
governed speed, gauge should show pressure between
The dial reads from empty to full in one-quarter
25 to 35 pounds per square inch. If the gauge fails to
Transmission Oil Pressure Gauge.
show proper pressure reading, stop engine immediately
and do not operate crane again until cause of the
transmission oil pressure gauge (0-200 lbs.) (fig. 2-1) is
malfunction has been corrected.
located on right side of choke on panel. This indicates
Engine Temperature Gauge.
The engine
pressure of oil in transmission. Under normal conditions,
temperature gauge (fig. 2-1) is located on top left side of
pressure will be between 140 to 170 lbs. at engine full
panel, to the right of engine oil pressure gauge. The
Transmission Temperature Gauge. The
temperature gauge indicates temperature of engine
cooling fluid on a dial reading from 100F. to 250F.
transmission temperature gauge (100-280F) (fig. 2-1) is
Under normal conditions, this temperature should be
located on right side of transmission pressure gauge.
approximately 180F.
When gauge indicates
This indicates temperature of oil circulating in
temperatures excessively higher or lower than 180, stop
transmission. Under normal conditions temperature will
engine and do not operate crane until cause has been
be between 180-200"F. Under no condition should
determined and corrected.
temperature rise above 250F.
t. Fuel Gauge. The fuel gauge (fig. 2-1) is located on
top left side of panel, to the right of engine temperature
gauge. The fuel gauge indicates amount of fuel in tank.
2-8. General
unless the transmission lever is in the neutral
a. The instructions in this section are published for
the information and guidance of personnel responsible
f. Hold accelerator pedal steady and allow engine to
for operation of the Pettibone Model 10FM Warehouse
warm up at a fast idling speed. Immediately observe
b. The operator must know how to perform every
2-1) for normal readings. Also observe transmission oil
operation of which the crane is capable. This section
temperature gauge (fig. 2-1) for indications of trouble.
gives instructions on starting and stopping the crane,
As engine begins to warm up, gradually push in on choke
operation of the crane, and on coordinating the basic
control; as soon as engine is warm, push choke control
motions to perform the specific tasks of loading, lifting,
all the way in.
and transporting items of equipment. Since nearly every
g. Warm engine until it will idle smoothly with choke
job presents a different problem, the operator may have
control pushed all the way in. Check for proper readings
to vary given procedures to fit the individual job.
2-9. Starting
h. Remove foot pressure from accelerator pedal.
b. Make certain that shift lever (fig. 2-1) is in neutral
Report any malfunctions to the proper authority.
c. Make certain that parking brake hand lever (fig.
2-10. Stopping
2-1) is
pulled up in
parking position.
a. Remove foot from accelerator pedal and depress
d. If engine is cold, pull choke control (fig. 2-1) all the
service brake pedal slowly and bring crane to gradual
way out.
e. Turn ignition switch (fig. 2-1) to "START" position,
b. Move shift lever into neutral position.
and release as soon as engine starts. Do not hold
c. Apply parking brake.
switch in "START" position longer than eight seconds. If
d. Return boom to its retracted, horizontal position.
engine fails to start on the first try, allow engine and
e. Turn ignition switch to OFF position.
starter to come to a complete stop before making a
second attempt.
Note. The starting motor will not operate