Page 279. APPENDIX II is superseded as follows:APPENDIX IIMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection 1. INTRODUCTION1. Generala.This section provides a general explanation ofall maintenance and repair functions authorized atvarious maintenance levels.b.Section II designates overall responsibility forthe performance of maintenance functions on theidentified end item or component. The implementationof the maintenance functions upon the end item orcomponent will be consistent with the assignedmaintenance functions.c.Section III (Not Applicable).d.Section IV contains supplemental instructions,explanatory notes and/or illustrations required for aparticular maintenance function.2. Explanation of Columns in Section IIa.Group Number, Column (1). The functionalgroup is a numerical group set up on a functional basis.The applicable functional grouping indexes (obtainedfrom TB 750-93-1, Functional Grouping Codes) arelisted on the MAC in the appropriate numericalsequence. These indexes are normally set up inaccordance with their function and proximity to eachother.b.Functional Group, Column (2). This columncontains a brief description of the components of eachfunctional group.c.Maintenance Functions, Column (3). Thiscolumn lists the various maintenance functions (Athrough K) and indicates the lowest maintenancecategory authorized to perform these functions. Thesymbol designations for the various maintenancecategories are as follows:C—Operator or crewO—Organizational maintenanceF—Direct support maintenanceH—General support maintenanceD—Depot maintenanceThe maintenance functions are defined as follows:A—Inspect: To determine serveability of an item bycomparing its physical, mechanical, and electricalcharacteristics with established standards.B— Test: To verify serviceability and to detect electricalor mechanical failure by use of test equipment.C— Service: To clean, to preserve, to charge, to paint,and to add fuel, lubricants, cooling agents, and air.D—Adjust: To rectify to the extent necessary tobring into proper operating range.E—Aline: To adjust specified variable elements ofan item to being to optimum performance.F —Calibrate: To determine the corrections to bemade in the readings of instruments or testequipment used in precise measurement.Consists of the comparisons of twoinstruments, one of which is a certifiedstandard of known accuracy, to detect andadjust any discrepancy in the accuracy of theinstrument being compared with the certifiedstandard.G—Install: To set up for use in an operationalenvironment such as an emplacement, site, orvehicle.H—Replace: To replace unserviceable items withserviceable assemblies, subassemblies, orparts.I—Repair: To restore an item to serviceablecondition. This includes, but is not limited to,inspection, cleaning, preserving, adjusting,replacing, welding, riveting, and strengthening.J—Overhaul: To restore an item to a completelyserviceable condition as prescribed bymaintenance serviceability standards using theInspect and Repair Only as Necessary (IROAN)technique.K—Rebuild: To restore an item to a standard asnearly as possible to original or new condition inappearance, performance, and life expectancy.This is accomplished through completedisassembly of the item, inspection of all partsor components, repair or replacement of worn orunserviceable elements (items) using originalmanufacturing tolerances and specifications,and subsequent reassembly of the item.d.Tools and Equipment, Column (4). This columnis provided for referencing by code the special tools andtest equipment (Sec. III) required to perform themaintenance functions (Sec. II).e.Remarks, Column (5). This column is providedfor referencing by code the remarks (Sec. III) pertinentto the maintenance functions.3. Explanation of Columns in Section IVa.Reference Code. This column consists of twoletters separated by a dash, both of which arereferences to Section II. The first letter referencesColumn (5) and the second letter references amaintenance function, Column (3), A through K.b.Remarks. This column lists informationpertinent to the maintenance function being performed,as indicated on the MAC, Section II.
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