(h) Push mainshaft assembly (44) toward
Lock pin (55) is located between
rear of case.
bushing and shaft. Take care not to
(i) The forward end of mainshaft (44)
lose this pin.
can now be tilted upward to front of
8. Remove 3d gear thrust washer (61)
case and entire assembly removed.
and 2d & 3d shift hub (50).
(j) Remove reverse idler lockscrew (26)
9. Remove 2d gear retainer ring (49),
and lock (25). Using suitable puller
locating washer (48), and 2d gear
remove reverse idler shaft (24).
Reverse idler, two thrust washers (18)
10. To remove 2d gear bushing (45) from
(19) and spacer (20) will come out
shaft use brass or bronze punch and
when idler shaft (24) is removed.
tap lightly with mallet.
(k) Remove countershaft rear bearing
spacer (78), and bearing nut (79).
Lock pin (46) is located between
bushing and shaft. Take care not to
(1) Push countershaft (71) toward rear of
lose pin.
transmission case, far enough so that
rear countershaft bearing (77) can be
removed from the countershaft.
Do not remove 2d gear bushing sleeve
unless it is to be replaced.
(m) The countershaft assembly can now
(b) Countershaft assembly:
be removed by tilting forward end
upward, in a manner similar to that
1. Remove spacer (64) and snap ring
used in removing the mainshaft.
(n) Remove countershaft front bearing
2. Press gear (66) from shaft.
(63) by use of offset screw driver or
3. Remove drive gear key (70), drive
proper bearing puller. Insert end
gear spacer (67), 4th gear (68) and
having bit at right angle to handle
3d speed gear (69).
under bearing and pry lightly around
4. Remove remaining gear keys.
outer race until bearing is worked out
of case.
1. Tag each rail, shift fork, and lug as to
(3) Disassembly of various subasse blies.
it's position in cover so that it may be
(a) Mainshaft assembly.
reassembled properly.
1. Remove inboard half of inner race of
2. To remove neutral switch (12),
mainshaft rear bearing (40). Use
unscrew from cover.
puller on 1st and reverse gear (43).
3. Remove neutral switch actuating ball
2. Remove first and reverse sliding
4. With shift bar housing upside down
3. Place balance of assembly in vise
and welch plug holes toward
using copper or lead jaws so as not to
repairman, remove welch plugs.
damage splines. Place pilot end of
5. Shift all rails into neutral position,
mainshaft (44) upward.
then remove all shift forks and shift
4. Using a suitable puller, remove
lug lockwires and lockscrews.
mainshaft pilot bearing (60).
6. Starting on left side of housing,
5. Remove 4th and 6th shift hub (59).
remove 1st & reverse rail (29).
6. Remove 4th gear retainer ring (58)
washer (57) and gear (56).
Caution should be used not to lose row over
7. Remove 4th gear bushing (54), lock
pin (27).
pin (55), locating washer (53) and 3d
7. Remove 1st & reverse rocker lug (20)
gear (52).
and shift lug (25).
If bushing slips off without puller it
should be replaced.
AGO 6819A