c. Submersion. Totally submerge the crane and
(f) One -pound charge on steering
carrier in a deep body of water to provide water damage
gear housing.
and concealment. Salt water will cause greater damage
to metal parts than fresh water.
b. Weapon's Fire. Fire on crane, carrier, and
attachments with the heaviest practical weapons
available. If possible, aim for the engine block from
either side.
All operators should receive thorough training in
the destruction of the crane carrier, and attachments.
Other Demolition Methods
Refer to FM 5-25. Simulated destruction, using all of
the methods listed above, should be included in the
a. Scattering and Concealment. Remove all easily
operator training program. It must be emphasized in
accessible vital parts such as batteries, oil filters,
training, that demolition operations are usually
generator, generator regulator, distributor, starter,
necessitated by critical situations when time available
carburetors, and filters. Scatter them throughout the
for destruction is limited. For this reason, it is necessary
underbrush or dense foliage, bury them in dirt or sand,
that operators be thoroughly familiar with all methods of
or throw them in a lake, stream, well, or other body of
destruction of equipment and be able to carry out
demolition instructions without reference to this or any
b. Burning. Pack rags, clothing, canvas, or brush
other manual.
inside, and around the crane unit. Saturate this packing
with gasoline, oil, or diesel fuel and ignite.
Preparation of Equipment For Shipment
e. Depreservation Guide.
DA Form 2258
(Depreservation Guide of Engineer Equipment.)
(1) A properly annotated depreservation
a. General.
Detailed instructions for the
guide will be completed concurrently with
preparation of the crane-shovel for domestic shipment
preservation for each item of mechanical
are outlined within this paragraph. Preservation will be
equipment with any peculiar requirements
accomplished in sequence that will not require the
outlined in the remarks column. The
operation of previously preserved components.
complete depreservation guide will be
b. Inspection. The crane-shovel will be inspected
placed with the craneshovel in a water-
for any unusual conditions such as damage, rusting,
proof envelope, marked "Depreservation
accumulation of water, and pilferage. DA Form 2404
Guide", and fastened in a conspicuous
(Work sheet for Preventive Maintenance and Technical
location on or near the operator's controls.
Inspection of Engineer Equipment) will be executed on
(2) Prior to placing the crane-shovel in
the equipment.
operation or to the extent necessary for
c. Cleaning and Drying. Thorough cleaning and
inspection, depreservation of the item
drying by an approved technique is the first essential
shall be performed as outlined on the
procedure in any effective preservation process.
Depreservation Guide.
Approved methods of cleaning and drying, types of
f. Cooling System. Determine that cooling system
is filled to the proper level with a clean solution of 50
in TM 38-230.
percent water and 50 percent ethyleneglycol conforming
d. Painting. Paint all surfaces when the paint has
to Specification A-548, type 1.
been removed or damaged. Refer to TB ENG-60 for
detailed cleaning and painting instruction.
It is not necessary to drain and refill
cooling system if the solution is
clean and checks to a -25
AGO 6819A