greases to be acceptable for the application. The
grease systems must be thoroughly purged and the
affected parts removed and cleaned before switching
To insure proper operation of this machine, all points
from a grease having one type of base to a grease
requiring lubrication must serviced with the correct
lubricant, at the proper time interval. All normal wear
having a different soap base.
points which require lubrication are shown in the lubri-
cation charts at the rear of this section, with the possible
exception of that lubrication information concerning pur-
The following list will identify suitable lubricants for points
chased components. For information concerning the lubri-
cation of purchased major components not manufactured
shown in the lubrication charts by three methods. They am:
by Harnischfeger Corporation, see the manufacturer's
manual. Note that the original manufacturer's recommen-
specification identifies the initial fill lubricant as classified
dations take precedence over lubrication recommendations
contained in this manual if any conflict exists.
by internal Harnischfeger Corporation Standards.
Points not considered to be normal wear points (levers,
lubricant classified by P&H Specification Number has a
linkages, pins, and so forth) should be lubricated with an
known military specification equivalent number, this equiv-
oil can once a week. Use a few drops of engine oil on each
alent number is also listed in the individual lubricant de-
exposed pin or lever not equipped with grease fittings to
prevent rust and to provide the limited lubrication required.
The absence of an entry in the Military Specification
The lubrication recommended in this manual is based
Column in a lubricant description does not mean that
on operation of the machine for a period not to ex-
the lubricant recommended does not meet my equiv-
ceed eight hours per day, five days per week. If a
alent military specification. It may mean, for instance,
machine is operated in excess of the above time per
that the lubricant has not bean tested and qualified
day or week, lubrication schedules must be adjusted
by the military because it is relatively new. For that
reason, it is not certified es meeting the standards of
a particular military specification, even though it
All attachment fittings, whether illustrated on the lubri-
may be perfectly capable of so doing.
cation chart or not, must be lubricated with multipurpose
grease every 8 hours.
3. BY EQUIVALENT LUBRICANT. Equivalent lubricants
Presently confirmed as meeting the requirements of the
P&H specification are listed by trade names. The absence of
a lubricant from this list does not mean that it is unsuitable.
Initial factory fill of MPG is of the soap base 12-
It means only that, as of the date of this writing, the lubri-
Hydroxy Lithium Stearate type. Other soap base
cant has not been tested by P&H. The order in which the
greases are not always compatible with initial fill
lubricants appear on any list is of no significance. No
lubricant, and Barium base grease is definitely not
superiority of any brand listed should be read into the
order of appearance on a list. The listing is purely random
compatible. Various other soap base greases may be
and all products on the list are equally acceptable.
used if experience by the purchaser has shown these