DUAL PUMPS (41Z102 & 41Z103)
The pump illustration in figure 4B 23 is representative of the
dual pumps. The pump consists principally of an outlet
body, inlet housing, outlet cover, driveshaft and two
Dual hydraulic pumps 41Z102 is used to develop fluid flow
pumping cartridges. The principal components of each car-
for the operation of the main winch and boom telescope
tridge are an elliptical cam ring, a slotted rotor splined to the
circuits, while dual pump 41Z103 provides flow for the
driveshaft, a pressure plate, wear plate, and ten vanes fitted
operation of the swing and boom hoist circuits.
to the rotor dots.
Figure 4B-23. Dual Pumps (41Z102 and 41Z103)