1. Lower the boom onto the boom rest, end secure it to
the boom rest with the retaining pin.
2. Remove the pilot tube and inlet tube attached to the
Extreme caution must be exercised when removing
the counterbalance valve from the machine, as thou
valves are the only hydraulic means of preventing the
3. Remove the socket heed capscrews which secure the
boom from lowering once the boom has been ele-
valve to the cylinder using a suitable Allen wrench, end
vated. The following procedure describes a method of
remove the valve.
removing the valves with the boom in the boom rest,
which is the prefered method. However, if circum-
stances do not allow removal of the counterbalance
valves with the boom in the boom rest, a positive,
REPAIR. These vales are considered non-repairable items.
mechanical means must be used to prevent boom
If the valve is faulty, the complete valve assembly should be
movement while repairing the counterbalance valves.
replaced with a new valve.