9. Position the outer race of the slewing ring so that the
3. Lift the slewing ring until the bottom of the slewing ring
is approximately 7 inches (17.8 cm) above the carrier deck.
word FRONT stamped on the outer race will face toward
the front of the upper, when the upper is installed on the
Then install the 7 inch (17.8 cm) bolts in the outer race of
slewing ring.
the slowing ring at the points shown on Figure 6E-1. The
bolts must be installed up from below the slewing ring.
10. Carefully lower the upper onto the slewing ring. Be
sure that port #4 on the inner stem of the hydraulic swivel
4. Lower the slewing ring onto the carrier ring, making sure
will be facing toward the front of the carrier when the
the slewing ring is properly positioned. Lubricate the 7-1/2
upper is installed on the slowing ring, and that the brackets
inch (19 cm) bolts with a light oil and install them in the
on the swivel engage the ears on the carrier deck. Also, be
holes in the inner race of the slewing ring.
sure the hydraulic hoses and electrical wires are routed to
their original positions.
5. Check the area between the bottom of the slewing ring
and the top of the carrier ring with a 0.005 inch (0.127
11. Install the remaining bolts, hardened washers and nuts
mm) feeler gauge, If a gap, greater than 0.005 inch (0.127
mm), exists, it should be filled with shims.
6. Tighten two bolts, which are 180 degrees apart from
two bolts which are 160 degrees apart from each other, to
each other, to 150 ft-lbs (20.74 m-kg). Then tighten two
220 ft-lbs (27.6 m-kg). Then tighten two other bolts, which
other bolts, which are 180 degrees apart and 90 degrees
are 180 degrees apart from each other and 90 degrees from
from the first two bolts, to 150 ft-lbs (20.74 m-kg). Con-
the first two bolts, to 220 ft-lbs (27.6 m-kg). Continue this
tinue this cross-bolting procedure until all the bolts have
cross-bolting procedure until all the bolts have been tight-
been torqued to 150 ft-lbs (20.74 m-kg).
ened to 220 ft-lbs (27.6 m-kg).
7. Increase the bolt torque to 500 ft-lbs (69.15 m-kg) using
13. Increase the bolt torque to 440 ft-lbs (60.8 m-kg) using
the cross-bolting procedure described above.
the cross-bolting procedure described above.
14. Reconnect all the hydraulic hoses and electrical wires
8. Install six 8-1/2 inch (21.6 cm) bolts in the holes on
that were disconnected during this procedure.