1. The Cable Reel (B 30)
Boom length is measured by rope attached to the boom nose. This cable is wound on a spring loaded reel mounted
on the base boom section.
The cable reel rotation mechanically drives an electrical variable resistance (potentiometer) that transmits boom length
correction signal to the bridge amplifier circuit.
Boom angle is sensed by a pendulum which is an integrated part of the cable reel. It drives a variable resistance
(potentiometer) that transmits boom angle information to the boom angle meter and to the bridge amplifier circuit.
2. The Hydraulic System (B 20)
Two pressure gages that separately measure hydraulic pressures at the piston (right manometer) and rod ends (left
manometer) of the lift cylinders are used to drive potentiometers that transmit cylinder pressure information to the
bridge amplifier circuit.
3. The Electronic (B 10)
The electronic consists, apart from the standard elements (printed circuit plate, fuse, etc.), of the 3 vertically placed
program cards and is an integrated part of the Hydraulic System.
4. Boom Angle Correction (B 100)
Boom angle is sensed by a pendulum mounted .by the boom base section which drives a variable resistor
(potentiometer) that transmits boom angle correction information to the bridge amplifier circuit.