TM 5-3810-300-24&P2
The elements can be cleaned by washing with water and a good non-sudsing detergent. Direct a jet of clean, dry air from
the inside of the filter element. When the loose dust and soot have been removed, the element is ready to be washed.
1. Dissolve the detergent in a small amount of cool water.
2. Add warm (approximately 100 degrees F) water to get the proper proportions of detergent and water (about one cup of
detergent to five gallons of water).
3. Soak the element in the solution for at least 15 minutes.
4. Agitate the element for about two minutes to loosen the dirt.
5. Rinse the element with clean water until the water coming through the element is clean. Water pressure from a hose
or tap should not be over 40 psi. Air-dry the element thoroughly before using.
6. Mechanized drying methods can be used. However, heated air (maximum temperature 180 degrees F) must have
some circulation. Do not use light bulbs for drying elements.
After cleaning the filter element; inspect the element for damage. Look for dust on the clean air side, the slightest
rupture, or damaged gasket. A good method to detect ruptures in the element is to place a light inside the element and
look toward the light from the outside. Any hole in the element, even the smallest will pass dust to the engine and cause
unnecessary wear.
Before installing the filter element, remove any foreign material (leaves, lint, or other foreign matter) that may have
collected inside the air cleaner body. Inspect the inside of the body for dents or other damage that would interfere with
air flow or with the fins on the element or inside the body. Repair body dents, being careful not to damage sealing
Vacuator valves are designed to expel loose dust and dirt accumulations from the air cleaner body automatically thus
lengthening the element service life. The valve lip must point straight down to operate effectively, and must be kept free
from debris. Mud and chaff can lodge in these lips periodically and hold them open during engine operation. Check
condition of valve and lips frequently and keep them clean. The valve lips should be open only when the engine is shut
down, or running at low idle speed. If the valve is turned inside out, check for a clogged air cleaner inlet. Malfunction of
this valve does not reduce air cleaner effectiveness, but does allow the element to get dirty faster and reduces
serviceable life. If a valve is lost or damaged replace it with a new valve of the same number.
1. Check intake pipe cap and screen for accumulation of leaves, trash, and other