TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
Flywheel 1.4
clean and dry, to ensure proper metal-to-metal contact
and maximum friction, before attaching the flywheel.
New bolts should be used to mount or remount the
flywheel. However, if the original bolts are determined to
be serviceable and are to be reused, clean them
thoroughly before starting the assembly procedure.
Remove Ring Gear
Note whether the ring gear teeth are chamfered. The
replacement gear must be installed so that the chamfer
on the teeth faces the same direction with relationship to
the flywheel as on the gear that is to be removed.
Then remove the ring gear as follows:
1. Support the flywheel, crankshaft side down, on a
solid flat surface or hardwood block which is
slightly smaller than the inside diameter of the
ring gear.
2. Drive the ring gear off the flywheel with a
suitable drift and hammer. Work around the
circumference of the gear to avoid binding the
gear on the flywheel.
Install Ring Gear
1. Support the flywheel, ring gear side up, on a
Fig. 3. Removing Flywheel
solid flat surface.
2. Rest the ring gear on a flat metal surface and
7. Remove the oil seal ring, if used.
heat the gear uniformly with an acetylene torch,
keeping the torch moving around the gear to
avoid hot spots.
Check the clutch contact face of the flywheel for scoring,
Do not, under any circum-
overheating or cracks. If scored, the flywheel may be
stances, heat the gear over 400F (204C);
refaced. However, do not remove more than .020" of
excessive heat may destroy the original heat
metal from the flywheel. Maintain all of the radii when
refacing the flywheel.
NOTE: Heat indicating "crayons", which are
Replace the ring gear if the gear teeth are excessively
placed on the ring gear and melt at a certain
worn or damaged. Check the butt end of the crankshaft
temperature, may be obtained from most
and flywheel contact surface. If necessary, lightly stone
tool vendors. Use of these "crayons" will
the crankshaft end and the flywheel contact surface to
ensure against overheating the gear.
remove any fretting or brinelling.
3. Use a pair of tongs to place the gear on the
On crankshafts with dowels, be sure and check the
flywheel with the chamfer, if any, facing the
dowel extension. Dowels must not extend more than
same direction as on the gear just removed.
1/2" (13 mm) from the crankshaft.
4. Tap the gear in place against the shoulder on
Make sure that the crankshaft and flywheel contact
the flywheel. If the gear cannot be tapped into
surfaces and the bolt threads in the crankshaft end are
place readily so that it is seated all the way
around, remove it and apply additional heat,
noting the above caution.