TM 5-3810-300-24&P-3
When draining or filling, the
Radiator Pressure Control Cap
cooling system must be vented.
After the radiator core has been thoroughly cleaned and
The radiator has a pressure control cap with a normally
dried, reinstall the fan shroud and grille, if removed.
closed valve. The cap is designed to permit a pressure
of approximately seven pounds in the cooling system
before the valve opens. This pressure raises the boiling
point of the cooling liquid and permits somewhat higher
Examine the radiator for cracks or other damage. The
engine operating temperatures without loss of any
core fins should be straight and evenly spaced to permit
coolant from boiling. To prevent the collapse of the
a full flow of cooling air. The core tubes should be clean
hoses and other parts which are not internally supported,
inside and outside and have no leaks.
a second valve in the radiator cap opens under vacuum
when the system cools.
If repainting the radiator core becomes necessary, it is
recommended that a thin coat of dull black radiator paint
CAUTION: Always remove the radiator
or another high quality flat black paint be used. Ordinary
oil paints have an undesirable glossy finish and do not
cap slowly and carefully to avoid a
transmit heat as well.
possible flash of hot cooling liquid.
Check all radiator hoses and clamps. Replace cracked
To ensure against possible damage to the cooling
and deteriorated hoses and damaged clamps.
system from either excessive pressure or vacuum, check
both valves periodically for proper opening and closing
pressures. Replace the radiator cap if necessary.
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