TM 5-3810-302-24PUNIT, DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORTMAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS ANDSPECIAL TOOLS LISTSSECTION I. INTRODUCTION1. Scope.This RPSTL lists and authorizes spares and repair parts;s p e c i a l t o o l s ; a p e c i a l t e s t , m e a s u r e m e n t , a nd i a g n o s t i c e q u i p m e n t ( T M D E ) ; a n d o t h e r s p e c i asupport equipment required for performance of Unit,Direct support, and General Support Maintenance ofthe Self-Propelled Crane for Aircraft Maintenance andPositioning (SCAMP). It authorizes the requisitioning,issue, and disposition of spares, repair parts andspecial tools as indicated by the source, maintenanceand recoverability (SMR) codes.2. General.In additon to Section I. Introduction, this Repair Partsand Special Tools List is divided into the followingsections:a. Section II. Repair Parts List.A list of spares andrepair parts authorized by this RPSTL for use in theperformance of maintenance. The list also includesparts which must be removed for replacement of theauthorized parts. Parts lists are composed of functionalgroups in ascending alphanumeric sequence, with theparts in each group listed in ascending figure and itemnumber. Bulk materials are listed in itemm - m m . R e p a i r k i t s a r e l i s t e d s e p a r a t e l y i n t h e iown functional group within Section Il. Repair parts forreparable special tools are also listed in the section.R e i n s l i s t e d a r e s h o w n o n t h e a s s o c i a t eure and item number index lists figure and item numbersin alphanumeric sequence and cross-references NSN,CAGE, and part numbers.3. Explanation of Columns (Sections II and III).a. ITEM NO. (Column (1)). Indicates the numberused to identify items called out in the illustration.b . S M R C O D E ( C o l u m n ( 2 ) ) . T h e S o u r c eMaintenance, and Recoverability (SMR) code is 5 - p o s i t i o n c o d e c o n t a i n i n g s u p p l y / r e q u i s i t i o n i ninformation,m a i n t e n a n c e c a t e g o r y a u t h o r i z a t i ocriteria, and disposition instructions, as shown in thefollowing breakout:b. Section III. Special Tools List.A list of specialt o o l s , s p e c i a l T M D E , a n d o t h e r s p e c i a l s u p p o requipment authorizedd by this RPSTL (as indicated byBasis of Issue (BOI) Information in DESCRIPTION ANDUSABEL ON CODE column) for the performance ofmaintenance.c. Section IV. Cross-reference Indexes.A list, in Na-tional Item Identification Number {NIIN) sequence, of allNational stock numbered items stock numbered items appearing in the listing,followed by a list in alphanumeric sequence of all partnumbers appearing in the listings. National stock num-bers and part numbers are cross-referenced to eachillustration/figure and item number appearance. The fig-*Complete Repair:Maintenance capacity, capabilityand authority to perform all corrective maintenanctasks of the “Repair” function in a use/user environmentin order to restore serviceability to a failed item.(1) S o u r c e C o d e . T h e source code tells yohow to get an item needed for maintenance, repair, oroverhaul of an end item/equipment. Explanations ofsource codes follows:1
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