or more cylinders, or lack of sufficient
5. Connect all electrical wiring that was
disconnected when the engine was re-
and the proper amount of air are impor-
6. Connect all fuel, and water lines and
tant to good engine performance, de-
tailed procedures for their investigation
n e c t e d when the engine was removed.
are given as follows:
7. Reconnect hydraulic lines to the tor-
que converter. Install the clutch control
and adjust as described in Subsection
1. Start the engine and run it at part
load until it reaches normal operating
8. Replace and connect the radiator.
9. Replace all sheet metal.
2. Stop the engine and remove the valve
rocker cover.
10. Install the exhaust system on the ex-
haust manifold.
3. Check the valve clearance (See Sub-
section 11I).
with coolant and oil respectively.
4. Start the engine. Then hold an injec-
Section I I I.
tor follower down with a screwdriver to
prevent operation of the injector (see
inder has been misfiring, there will be
no noticeable difference in the sound and
Before engine start-up, check all
If the cylinder
operation of the engine.
wiring, fuel, water, and mechan-
has been firing properly, there will be a
ical connections. Be prepared to
noticeable difference in the sound and
shut down the engine if there
operation when the injector follower is
should be some malfunction.
similar to
short-circuiting a spark plug in a gaso-
line engine.
12. Start and run the engine. Check for
oil, water, fuel and hydraulic leaks.
5. If the cylinder is firing properly, re-
peat the procedure on the other cylin-
ders u n t i l t h e f a u l t y o n e h a s b e e n
Certain abnormal conditions which some-
A. Check the injector timing (See Sub-
times i n t e r f e r e w i t h s a t i s f a c t o r y e n g i n e
section 11I).
operation, together with methods of de-
termining the cause of such conditions,
B. Check the compression pressure.
are covered in the following paragraphs.
C. Install a new injector.
primarily on:
D. If the cylinder still misfires, remove
the cam follower (See Subsection 11B)
1. An adequate supply of air compressed
and check for a worn cam roller, cam-
to a sufficiently high compression pres-
shaft lobe, bent push rod or worn
rocker arm bushings.
2. The injection of the proper amount of
fuel at the right time.
C h e c k i n g Compression Pressure
Lack of power, uneven running, exces-
Compression pressure is affected by alti-
sive vibration, stalling at idle speed and
hard starting may be caused by either
low compression, faulty injection in one