start-up. The oil supply line should be
reaches its maximum operating speed
which is produced by high engine
attached to the engine so that oil under
speeds. Starting any turbocharged en-
pressure is supplied to the main oil gal-
gine and accelerating to any speed above
idle before engine oil supply and pres-
sure has reached the free floating
With the oil pan dry, use the prelubrica-
tor to prime the engine with sufficient oil
shaft and bearing of the turbocharger.
to reach all bearing surfaces. Use
heavy-duty lubricating oil as specified in
the operator manual.
Then remove the
level and, if necessary, fill the torque
dipstick, wipe it with a clean cloth, in-
converter supply tank to the proper lev-
sert and remove it again to check the oil
el with the lubricant specified in Section
level in the oil pan. Add sufficient oil,
if necessary, to bring it to the full mark
on the dipstick. Do not overfill.
If a pressure prelubricator is not avail-
the fuel specified in Section III.
To ensure prompt starting, fill the fuel
system between the pump and the fuel
specified in Section 3. Then prelubri-
return manifold with fuel. If the engine
cate the upper engine parts by removing
the valve rocker cover and pouring lu-
has been out of service for a consider-
bricating oil, of the same grade and
able length of time, prime the fuel sys-
tem between the fuel pump and the fuel
return manifold, The fuel system may be
the rocker arms.
p r i m e d b y r e m o v i n g t h e p l u g i n t h e to p
TURBOCHARGER. Prepare the turbo-
charger as follows:
the filter with fuel.
1. Clean the area and disconnect the oil
inlet line at the bearing housing.
The fuel system is filled with fuel
2. Fill the bearing housing cavity with
before leaving the factory, If the
clean engine oil. Turn the rotating as-
fuel is still in the system when
sembly by hand to coat all of the internal
preparing to start the engine,
surfaces with oil.
priming should be unnecessary.
3. Add additional engine oil to completely
fill the bearing housing cavity and rein-
stall the oil line. Clean off any spilled
cups and lubricate at all fittings with an
all purpose grease. Apply lubricating oil
to the throttle linkage and other moving
parts and fill the hinged cap oilers with
a hand oiler.
recommended in Section V of operators
f o r any reason, w h i l e the engine is
running. This could result in
p e r s o n a l injury.
battery. The top should be clean and
4. Start and run the engine at idle until
dry, the terminals tight and protected
with a coat of petroleum jelly and the
oil pressure and supply has reached all
electrolyte must be at the proper level.
of the turbocharger moving parts. A
good indicator that all of the moving
parts are getting lubrication is when the
When necessary, check the battery
psig - 69 kPa at idle speed).
with a hydrometer; the reading
should be 1.265 or higher. How-
The free floating bearings in the turbo-
ever, hydrometer readings should
charger center housing require positive
always be corrected for the tem-
lubrication. This is provided by the
perature of the electrolyte.
a b o v e p r o c e d u r e before the turbocharger
Engine Tune-Up