TM 5-3810-307-10
FUEL Gauge (35). The gauge is located on the left side of the front console panel. The
gauge indicates the quantity of fuel in the fuel tank and has a scale calibrated from 0 to 4/4.
The fuel quantity gauge receives a signal from a sending unit in the fuel tank.
Bubble Level (36). The bubble level indicator is located on the bottom left of the front
console. The indicator provides the operator with a visual indication for determining the
levelness of the crane.
DRIVE AXLE Selector Switch (37). The switch located on the bottom left of the front
console panel is a two-position switch; 2WD (high range) and 4WD (low range). The switch
operates a solenoid valve that controls the speed range and axle disconnect cylinders on
the transmission.
WATER TEMPerature Gauge (38). The gauge is located on the left side of the front
console panel. The gauge receives a signal from a sending unit in the engine coolant
system and indicates the engine temperature on a dual scale calibrated from 100 to 280 F
and from 38 to 138 C.
Windshield WIPER/WASHER Switch (39). The switch is located on the lower left side of
the front console panel. The switch has four positions; Off, Intermittent, Low, and High.
Depress the switch to energize windshield washer pump assembly. Placing switch to
Intermittent energizes the wiper motor to operate at an intermittent interval (the farther the
switch is moved clockwise in the Intermittent position range, the faster the interval). Low
energizes the wiper motor in low speed, while HIGH energizes the motor for high speed.
The OFF position stops the motor which automatically parks the wiper blade.
and FRONT/REAR STABILIZER) are located on the left side of the front console panel.
There are four two-position, spring-centered-to-off toggle switches. These switches are
used in conjunction with the OUTRIGGERS EXTEND/RETRACT Switch (54) to control the
four outrigger extension and stabilizer cylinders. Activating any one of the toggle switches
energizes a solenoid valve for the appropriate component to be operated. Activating the
OUTRIGGERS EXTEND/RETRACT Switch (54) energizes the control solenoid to allow
hydraulic fluid to flow through the control solenoid valve and move the selected component
in the desired direction.
LOw AIR PRESSure Indicator (41). The indicator is located on the upper middle portion of
the front console panel. The indicator is illuminated by a red light when the pressure in the
air system(s) is below 75 psi (517 kPa). The indicator is controlled by two pressure
switches electrically connected in parallel. The pressure switches also energize an alarm
ENGINE DISTRESS Indicator (42). The indicator is located on the upper right portion of
the front console panel. The red indicator lights when engine temperature or transmission
oil temperature is too high or engine oil pressure is too low. The indicator is energized by a
high temperature switch or a low oil pressure switch connected in parallel. Check the
appropriate gauge to determine which system is abnormal. An alarm buzzer will also be
STEER PUMP FAILED Indicator (43). The indicator is located on the upper right portion of
the front console panel. The red indicator lights when vehicle is not moving indicating that
ground driven steering pump is not pumping.