TM 5-3810-307-10
Brakes. For most effective braking and for maximum life from brake system
components, the following suggestions are made.
Air brakes have light pedal operation and the driver is
cautioned to use extreme care in application until a
good feel is achieved.
Use the engine as a brake when approaching a stop or when going down a
long grade. On a downgrade, use the same transmission gear as would be
needed to go up the same grade.
When necessary to use brake to reduce crane speed on a downgrade,
pump the brake pedal to minimize heat and wear. Do not hold a continuous
brake application or slide the wheels.
When driving on slippery pavement or under icy conditions, pump brake
pedal smoothly to prevent skidding.
Keep tires properly inflated.
Improperly inflated tires can reduce the
efficiency of brakes.
After driving through water, dry brakes by applying them lightly while
maintaining a slow forward speed with an assured clear distance ahead until
brake performance returns to normal.
Stop immediately and determine cause of air
pressure loss. Downshift, using the engine as a
brake, and make final stop using a single brake pedal
movement to avoid excessive loss of air and
consequent sudden engagement of automatic spring
Crane should not be operated once the low air
pressure buzzer sounds and the LOw AIR PRESSure
indicating a pressure drop below 75 psi (517 kPa).
System air pressure should never be allowed to fall below 45 psi (310 kPa).
If both systems drop below 45 psi (310 kPa), the automatic spring brakes will
actuate. Normal operating pressure range is 105 to 120 psi (724 to 827