TM 5-3810-307-10
Ensure all mounting hardware is in place and tight. Ensure no
loose articles such as tools, clothing, and shipping/lifting
equipment are resting on the impact hammer.
The following general safety precautions should be observed
during setup and operation (continued):
Check the working pile to be sure it is strong enough to
withstand the force of the impact hammer.
Verify that driving a pile will not cause damage from vibration
to adjacent structures.
Do not lift the impact hammer with the hammer line (main
hoist) alone. This could seriously damage the hammer trip
system. Use a combination of the pile (aux. hoist) and
hammer (main hoist) lines until the impact hammer is mounted
on the lead tower.
When unloading or loading the shipping/storage container,
visually inspect each component for damage.
The spotter slide pin should not be allowed to engage a hole in
the lead tower lower than the seventh hole up from the foot
roller. This will ensure that the spotter will not make contact
with and damage the spare tire mounting bracket.
Prior to hoisting the impact hammer during installation, inspect
the cable on both crane hoist drums to ensure it is straight and
If a new hole is drilled in the superstructure cab to route the
remote throttle hydraulic hose into the cab, be sure to file
edges to prevent damage to the hydraulic hose.
Use care when lowering the impact hammer on the lead tower
to avoid damage to the pile gate.
Observe the following precautions before starting the impact
Do not use starting fluids as a cold weather starting aid as they
can cause excessive piston stroke and damage to the impact
Do not start the impact hammer until it is squarely positioned
over the pile.
Before starting the impact hammer for pile driver operation,
ensure the impact hammer has been properly serviced and all
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS)
identified as "Before Operation (B)" have been performed.
The full weight of the impact hammer must be on a pile or on a
pile adapter (square or sheet) to distribute the grease properly
when servicing the lower cylinder (impact block) lubrication
Change 1 H-5