TM 5-3810-307-24-1-1
determined by connecting a pressure gauge (5000
psi [34,475 kPa] full scale recommended) at the
pump outlet port or at the IN port of the steering
control valve. With the engine running at a medium
speed, turn the steering wheel to one end of the
For proper alignment, the axle must be in
travel and hold the cylinders at the travel limit briefly,
the straight ahead position.
just long enough to read the pressure gauge. Never
hold the system at relief pressure for more than a
There are two relay shafts used in the steering
few seconds at a time. The pressure gauge
system, between the carrier steering column and the
readings should be as follows: 2500 psi (17237 kPa)
miter gear and between the miter gear and the
for the steering pump, 3500 psi (24132 kPa) for the
steering gear. Ensure the universal joints on the
steering portion of the integrated outrigger valve, and
relay shafts are properly aligned as shown on the
2175 psi (14996 kPa) for the front steering gear.
figure titled Relay Shaft Alignment.
Figure 2-5-1. Relay Shaft Alignment