TM 5-3810-307-24-1-1
Remove the locknuts from the extension
extension cables until no slap is present during
cables. Tighten all four jam nuts until the cable ends
extension or retraction.
extend approximately 2.75 to 3 in. (6.9 to 7.6 cm)
from the mounting plate on the boom base section.
11. After the cables are adjusted to eliminate all
cable slap, check the cable tension through the
Check the cable tension through the access
access hole in the side of the boom. All cables
hole in the side of the boom. The cables should
should have equal tension. Readjust if necessary.
have an equal amount of slack and not be resting
Install the locknuts.
upon the telescope cylinder. Readjust the cables if
12. Fully extend the boom and then fully retract it
again. Recheck the retraction cable adjustment and
10. Fully extend and retract the boom several
readjust if necessary.
times. If any cable slap is present, readjust the
Figure 2-10-3. Boom Extension and Retraction Cables Adjustment