TM 55-3810-229-14/N
TM 55-3810-229-14/NAVFAC P-941
This chapter provides transportability guidance for
The methods described in this
marine and terminal movement of the MT-250 and MT-
chapter for lifting and securing the
300 cranes. It covers significant technical and physical
cranes are suggested procedures.
characteristics and safety considerations, and prescribes
Other methods of handling and
the materials and guidance required to prepare, lift, tie
stowage may be used, provided they
down, and discharge the cranes.
will insure safe delivery without
In addition to the safety precautions contained in chapter
When vehicles are loaded on vessels
a. Vessel equipment and gear should be
adequately ventilated by power
inspected before use.
blowers, such as blowers commonly
b. Slings and other items used in loading and
found on roll-on/roll-off vessels, fuel
discharging operations should be inspected for condition
tanks need not be drained and battery
and adequate capacity.
terminals may remain connected.
c. Personnel should be cautioned not to walk
under vehicles being lifted.
General Rules
d. Lifting eyes and shackles on each crane
a. Stowage.
Because of corrosion-related
should be inspected to insure that they are complete and
problems, on-deck stowage is not recommended. But if
unavoidable, cranes must be completely covered with
e. All lifts should have sufficient tag lines attached
tarps or other means so direct contact with sea water is
to control the swing of the cranes while suspended.
minimized. Whenever possible, cranes should receive
Vehicle fuel tanks must be drained, and battery
the protection of below-deck stowage. In general, good
terminals, disconnected and taped.
stowage of vehicles means having them placed as close
g. Vehicle transmission must be placed in neutral
together as practicable, with minimum spacing between
with control lever wire-tied.
outer vehicles and the sweatboards (approximately 4 to 6
h. Parking brake must be firmly set with brake
inches). If not shipped on the vehicle, breakable parts,
lever wire-tied.
spare parts, and on-equipment material should be
Personnel heater fuel tank must be drained.
protected and properly identified as to location or
disposition during shipment. Vehicles in the ship's hold
Water Shipment
should be blocked in front, rear, and on both sides of the
These cranes can be transported by a variety of barges
wheels so the vehicles cannot move in any direction;
and lighters and by most seagoing cargo vessels.
individual vehicle blocks should be braced to bulkheads,
Because of the way in which rates are deter- mined for
stanchions, and other vehicle wheel blocks. All vehicles
water shipment, the aft outrigger support pads will be
should be lashed with wire rope or chains to nearby
bulkheads, stanchions, or padeyes.
mirrors shall be folded back.
b. Lifting. The correct lifting points on the cranes
are the four lifting eyes. Two are located behind the
engine compartment, and the other two on the rear of the
carrier deck. A typical lifting diagram is shown in figure