TM 5-3810-201-20P
are listed in parentheses following the repair part name.
d Unit of Issue indicates the unit used as a basis of
local procurement, such repair parts will be
issue, e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack indicates the
channels a supporting statement of
actual quantity contained in the unit pack.
nonavailability from local procurement.
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit indicates the actual
Applied to major assemblies that are procured
number of parts used in the application. A zero is shown
with PESIA (Procurement Equipment
when components of kits or sets are listed that are not
Missile Army) funds for initial issue only to
applicable to the specific end item.
be used as exchange assemblies at DSU
and GSU maintenance level.
g. Fifteen-Day
assemblies will not be stocked above DSU
and GSU or returned to depot supply level.
Note. Source code is not shown oil
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
common hardware items known to be readily
four subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn is the
available in Army supply channels and
quantity of items authorized for the number of
through local procurement.
equipments supported. Items authorized for use as
required but not for initial stockage are identified with an
(2) Ma Code indicates the lowest category of
asterisk in the allowance column.
maintenance authorized to install the listed item. The
(2) The
maintenance level code is:
organizational level of maintenance represents one initial
prescribed load for a 15-day period for the number of
equipments supported.
Units and organizations
authorized additional prescribed loads will multiply the
Organizational maintenance
number of prescribed loads authorized by the quantity of
repair parts reflected in the appropriate density column to
(3) Recoverability Code indicates whether
obtain the total quantity of repair parts authorized.
unserviceable items should be returned for recovery or
(3) Items identified by an asterisk may be
Items not coded
requisitioned as required. Subsequent changes and/or
Recoverability codes are:
additions to allowances will be limited to the provisions of
AR 735-35. The range of items authorized will be made
by this Command based upon engineering experience,
Applied to repair parts and assemblies which are
demand data, or TAERS information.
economically repairable at DSU and GSI
(4) Allowances are based on 2000 hours of
activities and normally are furnished by
operation per year.
supply on an exchange basis.
Applied to high dollar value recoverable repair
h. Illustrations.
parts which are subject to special handling
(1) Figure Number
indicates the figure
and are issued on an exchange basis. Such
number of the illustration in which the item is shown.
repair parts normally are repaired or
overhauled at depot maintenance activities.
Applied to repair parts specifically selected for
salvage by reclamation unit because of
precious metal content, critical materials,
high dollar value reusable casings or
b. Federal Stock Number indicates the Federal
stock number for the item.
c. Description column indicates the Federal item
name and a brief description of the item. A five-digit
manufacturer's or other service code is shown followed
by the manufacture's part number.
Repair parts
quantities included in kits, sets, and assemblies that
differ from the actual quantity used in the specific item,