Heat output:
k. Heater Specifications (Winterized Models).
High fire ....................... 60,000 Btu per hr
(1) Battery heater specifications.
Low fire........................ 30,000 Btu per hr
Manufacturer ...................... Hupp Mobil Heater Corp.
Dimensions of personnel heater:
Model ................................. MH 15-B2
Width ........................... 8 in.
Volts.................................... 24
Length ......................... 25 in.
Type of control .................... Remote
Height .......................... 12 in.
Temperature selection ........ Manual
(3) Engine Heater Specifications.
Heat output ......................... 15,000 Btu per hr
Fuel consumption ............... 0.25 gph
Dimensions of battery heater:
Manufacturer ...................... Perfection Industries,
Width .................... 6 in.
Division of Hupp Corp.
Length .................. 13 1/16 in.
Model.................................. E-511
Height ................... 10 in.
Volts ................................... 24
Type of control ................... Remote
Temperature selection ........ Manual
(2) Personnel heater specifications.
Fuel .................................... Gasoline
Fuel consumption:
Manufacturer....................... Perfection Industries
Low fire........................ 0.27 gph
Division of Hupp Corp.
High fire ....................... 0.4 gph
Model .................................. E-510
Heat output:
Volt ..................................... 24
High fire ....................... 60,000 Btu per hr
Type of control ................... Remote
Low fire........................ 30,000 Btu per hr
Temperature selection ........ Manual
Dimensions of engine heater:
Fuel..................................... Gasoline
Width- .......................... 8 in.
Fuel consumption:
Length ......................... 23 in.
Low fire ........................ 0 27 gph
Height ......................... 12 in.
High fire ...................... 0.4 gph
AGO 20051A