TM 5-3810-206-35
on crawler carbody. The swing brake is mounted on top,
(8) Use suitable lifting device and remove gear
of vertical swing shaft.
(23) from the revolving frame.
(9) Remove sleeve bearing (4) from pilot
bearing stand (3), and sleeve bearing (30) from revolving
4-26. Vertical Swing Shaft
a. Removal.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Swing revolving frame to a position where
(1) Clean all parts and dry thor oughly.
shaft can be worked down through the carbody. then
(2) Inspect brakedrum for cracks, breaks, or out
stop, engine.
of round. Inspect jaw clutch, gear, swing pinion spur
(2) Working from front of revolving frame,
gear, or splines of shaft, for chipped or worn teeth.
remove vertical propelling shaft gear guard, horizontal
Inspect pilot bearing stand or sleeve bearings for
gear train cover, and the two suing brake dirt guards
damage or defect.
(TIM 5-3810-206-12).
(3) Repair by welding cracks in brakedrum and
(3) Remove lubricating line (22, fig. 1-6) which
machine it into round. Replace defective shaft, gears, or
runs from pilot bearing stand (14) to fitting on separator
damaged mounting hardware. Repair or replace a
across front of crane-shovel.
damaged pilot bearing stand.
(4) If necessary, remove connector and elbow
d. Reassembly.
from pilot bearing stand (14).
(1) Install sleeve bearing (30, fig. 41-16) in
revolving frame and sleeve bearing (4) in pivot bearing
stand (3).
(2) Use suitable lifting device and position gear
(19) on revolving frame.
(7) Position two wooden blocks on opposite
(3) Install jaw clutch (33) in gear (23), position
sides, between brakedrum (23, fig. 4-6) and vertical
shifter collar (14) on jaw clutch (33) and secure with
swing gear (3, fig. 4-11) on vertical swing shaft.
bolts (31), lockwashers (15), and nuts (16).
(8) Position a jack under shaft (6) to relieve
(4) Connect hose (17) to connector on elbow
weight, and working from beneath revolving frame.
(22) mounted on gear.
remove wire (28, fig. 1-16), capscrews (6), and washer
(5) Use suitable lifting device to position swing
(27) and swing pinion spur gear (26).
brakedrum (13) on gear (23).
(9) Remove lockwires (7), screws (6), and end
(6) Slide swing pinion gear (26) on bottom end
plate (5) from upper end of shaft. Lower the jack
of spur gear shaft (25), and secure with end washer (27),
carefully and remove shaft (25) through the carbody.
capscrews (6) and lockwire (28).
(241) and secure with bolts (23), lockwashers (20), and
Note. If necessary, carefully drive
nuts (18).
shaft downward from top using a soft
c. Installation.
bronze bar.
(1) Working from beneath revolving frame, slide
b. Disassembly.
swing shaft up through carbody and revolving frame. As
(1) Remove keys (29) from spur gear shaft (25).
shaft end comes into position install key (29) in swing
(2) Remove four nuts (10), lockwashers (11),
brakedrum keyway in shaft (25).
bolts (12), and shims (8 & 9) from pilot blearing stand
(2) Position pilot bearing stand (3) on swing
brakedrum hub and revolving frame, then install end
(3) Lift pilot bearing stand (3) off of revolving
plate (5) and secure with capscrews (6) and lockwire (7).
Install shims (8 & 9), bolts (12), lockwasher (11) and
(4) Use a suitable lifting device and lift swing
nuts (10) to secure pilot bearing stand (3) to revolving
brakedrum (13) from gear (23).
frame. Remove wood blocks from between brakedrum
(5) Disconnect hose (17) at connector on elbow
(13) and gear (23).
(3) Working from beneath revolving frame,
(6) Remove nuts (16), lockwasher (15), and
install washer (27), capscrews (6) and lockwire (28).
bolts (31) and lift shifter collar (14) and jaw clutch (33)
out of gear (23).
(7) Separate shifter collar (14) and jaw clutch