e. Report all equipment improvement recommen-
are listed in TM 5-3810-227-35P. The levels of main-
tenance in all cases are governed by the maintenance
dations as prescribed by TM 38-750.
allocation chart.
2. Record and Report Forms
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations indicate
a. DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide of
quantity. Numbers preceding nomenclature callouts on
Engineer Equipment).
illustrations indicate the preferred maintenance sequence.
b. For other record and report forms applicable to
d. The direct reporting by the individual user, of
the operator, crew, organizational, direct and general
errors, omissions, and recommendations for improving
support, and depot maintenance, refer to TM 38-750.
this manual is authorized and encouraged. DA Form
2028 (Recommended Changes to DA Publications) will be
used for reporting these improvements. This form will be
Applicable forms, excluding Standard
completed in triplicate using pencil, pen, typewriter. The
Form 46 which is carried by the
original and one copy will be forwarded direct to:
operator, shall be kept in a canvas
Commanding Officer, U.S. Army Mobility Equipment
bag mounted on the equipment.
Center, ATTN: SMOME-MMP, Post Office Drawer 58, St.
Louis, Mo. 63166.
winterized units there are two heaters. The engine heater
3. Description
provides heat to the engine and its components, and the
a. Crane-Shovel. The American Hoist and Derrick
cab heater provides heat to the cab and the battery box
Company Model 2360 non-winterized and Model W2360
winterized Crane-Shovel (figs. 1 and 2) is a gasoline
4. Identification and Tabulated Data
engine-driven, 3/4-cubic yard machine, truck mounted,
and is designed for use with a crane boom. This crane-
The crane-shovel and carrier have
shovel is powered by a Continental Model BS-415, 6-
identification data and/or instruction plates.
a. Identification.
crane, upon which are mounted the engine, upper
machinery, and gantry, revolves around the center pin on
Corps of Engineers carrier identification
rollers. In this manual, the terms left and right are used
plates. This plate is located to the left side
with respect to the operator's seat. "Front" is the end of
of the carrier main frame behind the
the crane to which the boom is installed. "Rear" is the
operator's cab. It contains the nomen-
end of the crane which contains the engine and the
clature for the carrier, make, model, and
counterweight. The crane cab is equipped with a heater.
serial number, and also the make, model,
Winterized unit has an additional gasoline-fired heater
and serial number of the engine.
that heats the engine and its components.
Transmission and transfer case shifting
b. Carrier.
The carrier is a heavy-duty, 6x6
warning plate. This plate is located to the
American Hoist and Derrick Company Unit, and is
right, on the inside of the carrier cab. It
powered by a Continental Model SS-749, six-cylinder,
contains precautionary measures for proper
overhead-valve, internal-combustion engine. The carrier
is equipped with power steering, air-brakes, five speed
Transportation data instruction plate. The
transmission, two-speed transfer case, and six-wheel
transportation plate is mounted on the left
drive. The carrier is equipped with two outriggers on each
side of the carrier main frame. It gives data
side to improve stability. The engine and the cab are
on the length, height, width, and weight of
mounted side-by-side on the front of the carrier. On
the crane-shovel and carrier. It also shows
AGO 6819A