(4) Keep the fan belt adjusted properly. Be
c. Batteries.
sure there is no obstruction of air to the fan.
(1) Keep batteries fully charged at all times.
(5) Keep the radiator fins free of insects,
leaves, dirt, and other obstructions.
Unless the engines are running or the
(6) Drain the cooling system by opening the
batteries are immediately charged, do
draincocks on the radiator and the engine
not add water in subzero tempera-
block. Flush out system with clean water.
Do not use salt or mineral-water solutions in
(2) Keep all wiring connections and battery
terminals tight and free from snow and ice.
(7) If the engine continues to overheat, report
(3) In extremely low temperatures, remove the
the condition to organizational mainten-
batteries and place in a heated shelter
when not in use.
b. Electrical System.
d. Fuel System. Fuel tanks should be kept as full as
(1) Inspect the wiring for loose connections or
deteriorated covering.
presence of water is noted in the fuel supply, drain and
refill with clean fuel. Drain and service fuel filters and
(2) Never allow batteries to overheat in
service. Guard against this by opening the
battery box and allowing air to circulate
e. Brakes.
around the batteries.
(1) Do not allow the carrier to stand in mud or
(3) Add water to batteries to keep level of the
water overnight during subzero weather.
electrolyte one-quarter inch above the
Position the unit on wood planks.
(2) To prevent brakes from freezing, they
c. Lubrication. Lubricate the crane and carrier with
should not be applied when the vehicle is
the proper lubricant in accordance with Lubrication Order
parked. Block the wheels to keep the
(LO 5-3810-227-15).
machine from rolling.
d. Engines.
f. Controls and Instruments. Due to congealing
properties of the lubricants in cold weather,
operation of controls may be sluggish when first
the current Lubrication Order (LO 5-3810-
used. Do not force levers in an attempt to put
them in operation. Allow the engine to warm up
(2) Open all sliding panels in the cab to provide
as much ventilation for the engines as
g. Precautions When Operating on Snow or Ice.
possible. Also keep radiator shutters open.
Take necessary steps to insure a firm footing for
(3) Keep the engine clean. Accumulation of
the crane. Extend outriggers and use blocking
dust and oil form an insulation against
under jack pads to obtain firm footing.
cooling air from the fan.
23. Operation in Extreme Heat
24. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
a. Cooling System.
a. Protection. Keep the unit clean and clear of sand
(1) Make sure the system is clean and
or dust, as the sand has the tendency to penetrate into the
bearings and bushings. Because of this, the unit must be
kept clean and be lubricated more frequently.
(2) Keep the coolant level in the radiator as
high as possible.
b. Fuel Systems. Keep fuel tank filler caps tight to
prevent sand or dust from entering fuel tank. Service
(3) Keep the water pump and its drive well
lubricated (LO 5-3810-227-15).
AGO 6819A