TM 5-3810-288-12
Figure 2-28. Crowd chain tightener.
dipper, up and over the right boom point sheave, and to
crowd it out as far as it will go, and then lower it to
the ground.
Reeving Shovel Boom Hoist Cable.
(2) Unroll and stretch the dipper trip cable out
on the ground on the right side of the boom.
(1) Unroll and stretch the boom hoist cable out
on the ground on the right side of the boom.
(3) Reeve the cable from the trip lever on the
dipper stick, over the small sheaves on the shipper shaft,
(2) Reeve one end of the cable around the
around the dipper trip motor ec-centric, around the
lower left gantry spreader sheave, around the in-side left
outside sheave on the shipper shaft, and back to the
boom point sheave, around the upper gantry spreader
sheave, around the outside left boom point sheave, and
h. Adjustments. All shovel front adjustments
(3) Reeve the other end of the boom hoist
cable around the lower right gantry spreader sheave,
machine converted to shovel operation is placed in
around the inside right boom point sheave, around the
upper right gantry spreader sheave, around the outside
i. Unreeving Shovel Cables.
right boom point sheave, and down to the boom hoist
(1) To unreeve the shovel dipper trip cable,
(4) Secure the boom hoist line to the boom
remove the cable clamp at the dipper trip lever and the
dead end on the dipper stick. Pull the cable from the
cable on the drum.
drum and sheaves. Coil the cable neatly and secure with
wire. Label the cable for future use.
Reeving Shovel Dipper T-ip Cable.
Raise the dipper off the ground