TM 5-3810-290-24PCodeApplication/ExplanationPAStocked items; use the applicable NSN toPBrequest/requisition items with these sourcePC**codes. They are authorized to the categoryPDindicated by the code entered in the 3dPEposition of the SMR code.PF** **Items coded PC are subject toPGdeterioration.Items with these codes are not to beKDrequested/requisitioned individually. TheyKFare part of a kit which is authorized to themaintenance category indicated in the 3dKB position of the SMR code. The complete kitmust be requisitioned and applied.M -(Made at UM/Items with these codes are not toAVUM Level)be requested/requisitionedMF-(Made at DS/individually. They must be madeAVUM Level)from bulk material which isMH-(Made at GSidentified by the part number inLevel)the DESCRIPTION AND USABLEML-(Made at Spe-ON CODE (UOC) column andcialized Repairlisted in the Bulk Material groupActivity (SRA))of the repair parts list in thisMD-(Made atRPSTL. If the item is authorizedDepot)to you by the 3d position code ofthe SMR code, but the sourcecode indicates it is made at ahigher level, order the item fromthe higher level of maintenance.Items with these codes are not tobe requested/requisitionedAO-(Assembled byindividually. The parts that makeUM/ AVUMup the assembled item must beLevel)requisitioned or fabricated andAF-(Assembled byassembled at the level ofDS/AVIMmaintenance indicted by theLevel)source code. If the 3d positionAH-(Assembled bycode of the SMR codeGS Category)authorizes you to replace theAL-(Assembleditem, but the source codeby SRA)indicates the item is assembledAD-(Assembled byat a higher level, order the itemDepot)from the higher level ofmaintenance.XA - Do not requisition an "XA"-coded item. Orderits next higher assembly. (Also refer to theNOTE following.)XB - If an "XB" item is not available from salvage,order it using the CAGE and part numbergiven.XC - Installation drawing, diagram, Instructionsheet, field service drawing, that Is Identifiedby the manufacturer’s part number.XD - Item is not stocked. Order an "XD"-codeditem through normal supply channels usingthe CAGE and part number given, if no NSNis available.NOTE :Cannibalization or controlled exchange, whenauthorized, may be used as a source of supply for itemswith the above source codes, except for those sourcecoded "XA" or those aircraft support items restricted byrequirements of AR 700-42.(2)Maintenance Code. Maintenance codestell you the level(s) of maintenance authorized to USEand REPAIR support items. The maintenance codes areentered in the third and fourth positions of the SMR codeas follows:(a)The maintenance code entered inthe third position tells you the lowest maintenance levelauthorized to remove, replace, and use an item. Themaintenance code entered in the third position willindicate authorization to one of the following levels ofmaintenance.CodeApplication/ExplanationC-Crew or operator maintenance done withinunit maintenance or aviation unit mainte-nance.O - Unit maintenance or aviation unit categorycan remove, replace, and use the item.F - Direct support or aviation intermediate levelcan remove, replace, and use the item.H- General support level can remove, replace,and use the item.L - Specialized repair activity can remove, re-place, and use the item.D - Depot level can remove, replace, and usethe item.(b)The maintenance code entered inthe fourth position tells whether or not the item is to berepaired and identifies the lowest maintenance level withthe capability to do complete repair (i.e., perform allauthorized repair functions). (NOTE: Some limitedrepair may be done on the item at a lower level ofmaintenance, if authorized by the Maintenance AllocationChart (MAC) and SMR codes.) This position will containone of the following maintenance codes:CodeApplication/ExplanationO-Unit maintenance or aviation unit is the low-est level that can do complete repair of theitem.F - Direct support or aviation Intermediate is thelowest level than can do complete repair ofthe item.2
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