TM 5-3810-290-24P
H -
General support is the lowest level that can
do complete repair of the item.
L -
Specialized repair activity Is the lowest level
that can do complete repair of the item.
D -
Depot is the lowest level that can do com-
plete repair of the item.
Z -
Nonreparable. No repair is authorized.
B -
No repair is authorized. (No parts or special
tools are authorized for the maintenance of a
"B"-coded item.) However, the item may be
reconditioned by adjusting, lubricating, etc.,
at the user level.
codes are assigned to items to indicate the disposition
action on unserviceable items. The recoverability code is
entered in the fifth position of the SMR code as follows:
Z -
Nonreparable item. When unserviceable,
condemn and dispose of the item at the level
of maintenance shown in the 3d position of
the SMR code.
O -
Reparable Item. When uneconomically
reparable, condemn and dispose of the item
at unit maintenance or aviation unit level.
F -
Reparable item. When uneconomically
reparable, condemn and dispose of the item
at the direct support or aviation intermediate
H -
Reparable item. When uneconomically
reparable, condemn and dispose of the item
at the general support level.
D -
Reparable item. When beyond lower level
repair capability, return to depot. Condemna-
tion and disposal of item not authorized
below depot level.
L -
Reparable item. Condemnation and dis-
posal of item not authorized below
specialized repair activity (SRA).
A -
Item requires special handling or condemna-
tion procedures because of specific reasons
(e.g., precious metal content, high dollar
value, critical material, or hazardous mate-
rial). Refer to appropriate manuals/directives
for specific instructions.
c. CAGEC (Column (3)). The Commercial and
Government Entity (CAGE) Code (C) is a 5-digit
alphanumeric code which Is used to identify the
manufacturer, distributor, or Government agency, etc.,
that supplies the item.
d. PART NUMBER (Column (4)). Indicates the
primary number used by the manufacturer (individual,
company, firm, corporation, or Government activity),
which controls the design and characteristics of the item
by means of its engineering drawings, specifications
standards, and inspection requirements to identify an
item or range of items.
NOTE: When you use an NSN to requisition an Item,
the item you receive may have a different part number
from the part ordered.
(Column (5)). This column includes the following
The Federal item name and, when
required, a minimum description to identify the item.
Physical security classification. Not
Items that are included in kits and sets are
listed below the name of the kit or set on Figure KIT.
Spare/repair parts that make up an
assembled item are listed immediately following the
assembled item line entry.
Part numbers for bulk materials are
referenced in this column in the line item entry for the
item to be manufactured/fabricated.
When the item is not used with all serial
numbers of the same model, the effective serial numbers
are shown on the last line(s) of the description (before
UOC). Not Applicable.
The usable on code, when applicable (see
paragraph 5, Special Information).
In the Special Tools List section, the basis
of issue (BOI) appears as the last line(s) in the entry for
each special tool, special TMDE, and other special
support equipment. When density of equipment
supported exceeds density spread indicated in the basis
appears just below the last item description in Column 5
for a given figure in both Section II and Section III.
f. QTY (Column (6)). The QTY (quantity per figure
column) Indicates the quantity of the item used in the
breakout shown on the illustration/figure, which is
prepared for a functional group, subfunctional group, or
an assembly. A "V" appearing in this column in lieu of a
quantity indicates that the quantity is variable and the
quantity may vary from application to application.
4. Explanation of Columns (Section IV).
STOCK NUMBER column. This column
lists the NSN by National Item Identification Number