Engine Equipment
2. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from the starting
three bolts which retain the starting motor to the flywheel
Remove the starting motor without
3. Remove the three retaining bolts and lock washers
disconnecting the hydraulic oil hoses. This W-ill prevent
and withdraw the starting motor from the flywheel
dirt and air from entering the hydraulic system.
4. Disassemble the starting motor.
Apply a good quality, lightweight grease on the drive
5. Wash the Hydrostarter drive clutch assembly in clean
clutch pinion to make sure the clutch will slide freely
fuel oil to remove the old lubricant.
while compressing the spring. Also apply grease to the
6. When the clutch is free, apply SAE 5W lubricating
fingers of the clutch fork and on the spool of the clutch
yoke engaged by the fork. This lubrication period may
7. Reassemble the starting motor and reinstall it on the
be reduced or lengthened according to the severity of
engine. Then attach a tag to the starter noting the
lubricant used in the clutch.
8. Recharge the accumulator with the hand pump.
Remove the pipe plug from the starting motor drive
housing and saturate the shaft oil wick with engine oil.
Then reinstall the plug.
Marine Application
After lubricating, install the starting motor on the
In addition to the normal Hydrostarter lubrication and
flywheel housing and recharge the accumulator with the
maintenance instructions, the following special
hand pump.
precautions must be taken for marine installations or
other cases where equipment is subject to salt spray and
On engines equipped with a hydraulic remote control
air, or other corrosive atmospheres:
system, lubricate the shaft in the master cylinder
through the pressure grease fitting every 2000 hours.
1. Clean all exposed surfaces and apply a coat of zinc-
chromate primer, followed by a coat of suitable paint.
Cold Weather Operation
2. Apply a liberal coating of Lubriplate, type 130-AA, or
equivalent, to the following surfaces.
Occasionally, when an engine is operated in regions of
a. The exposed end of the starter control valve and
very low temperatures, the starter drive clutch assembly
around the control shaft where it passes through
may slip when the starter is engaged. If the clutch slips,
the clutch housing.
proceed as follows:
b. The exposed ends of the hand pump cam pin.
1. Release the oil pressure in the system by opening
the relief valve in the hand pump.
3. Operate all of the moving parts and check the
protective paint and lubrication every week.
CAUTION: The oil pressure in the system
must be released prior to servicing the
Consult an authorized Detroit Diesel Allison Service
Hydrostarter motor or other components to
Outlet for any information relating to the Hydrostarter
prevent possible injury to personnel or
In a diesel engine, the fuel injected into the combustion
NOTE: Starting aids are NOT intended to
chamber is ignited by the heat of the air compressed
correct for a low battery, heavy oil or other
into the cylinder. However, when starting an engine in
conditions which cause hard starting. They
extremely cold weather, a large part of.
are to be used only when other conditions
are normal, but the air temperature is too
cold for the heat of compression to ignite
cylinder walls, and in overcoming the high friction
the fuel-air mixture.
created by the cold lubricating oil.
When the ambient temperature is low, it may be
necessary to use an air heater or a starting fluid to assist
The fluid starting aid (Fig. 8) is designed to inject a
ignition of the fuel.
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