Engine Tune-Up
Fig. 1 - Hydraulic Governor Mounting
Fig. 2 Hydraulic Governor Controls
lever, adjust the load limit screw to obtain a distance of
The hydraulic governor is mounted between the blower
2" from the outside face of the boss on the governor
and the rear end plate as shown in Fig. 1. The vertical
sub-cap to the end of the screw.
control link assembly is attached to the governor
operating lever and the bell crank lever on the governor
drive housing (Fig. 2).
7. Adjust the operating lever (on the governor) so that
it is horizontal, or slightly below (as close as the
serrations on the shaft will permit) when the shaft is
After adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel
rotated to the full-fuel position, or clockwise when
injectors, adjust the governor as follows:
viewed from the front of the engine.
1. Disconnect the vertical control link assembly from
8. Loosen the lock nut and adjust the length of the
the governor operating lever.
vertical link assembly, attached to the bell crank lever,
to match the full-fuel position of the governor operating
2. Loosen all of the injector rack control lever adjusting
lever and the injector rack control levers. This length
should be approximately 6-5/16" Tighten the lock nut.
3. While holding the bell crank lever (on the governor
9. With the governor operating lever held in the fullfuel
drive housing) in a horizontal position (full-fuel), set the
position, turn the load limit screw ((Fig. I) inward until
No. 3 injector rack control levers on each bank to full-
the injector racks just loosen on the ball end of the
control levers, to prevent the injector racks from
4. Position the remaining rack control levers to the No.
3 control levers.
10. Release the governor operating lever and hold the
adjusting screw while tightening the lock nut.
5. Remove the governor cover. Discard the gasket.
11. Use new gaskets and install the governor cover and
6. To determine the full-fuel position of the terminal
the valve rocker covers.
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