Cylinder Block 1.1
disassembly, inspection, repair and reassembly of each,
Pressure Test Cylinder Block
will be found in the various sections of this manual.
After the cylinder block has been cleaned, it must be
After removal and before any of the parts are
pressure tested for cracks or leaks by one of two
reassembled to the cylinder block, the block must be
methods. In either method it will be necessary to make
cleaned thoroughly and inspected for any conditions
a steel plate of 1/21" stock to cover each cylinder bank
which would render it unfit for further use.
of the block (Fig. 5). The plate(s) will adequately seal
the top surface of the block when used with cylinder
liner compression gaskets and water hole seal rings. It
Clean Cylinder Block
will also be necessary to use water hole cover plates
and gaskets to seal the water inlet openings in the sides
1. Remove all of the plugs (except cup plugs) and
of the block. One cover plate should be drilled and
scrape all old gasket material from the block.
tapped to provide a connection for an air line so the
water jacket can be pressurized.
2. Clean the block with live steam. Make sure the oil
galleries, air box floor and air box drain openings are
thoroughly cleaned. Jets are not machined in the
camshaft bushing bores in the 6V cylinder blocks. Oil is
directed to the cam followers through small slots
3. Dry the block with compressed air.
Fig.4. - Engine Mounted on Overhaul Stand
1972 General Motors Corp.
July, 1972
SEC. 1.1 Page 5