1.6.3 Cylinder Liner
13. Install any other parts which were removed from the
9. Install) the bearing cap and shell on the connecting
rod with the numbers on the cap and the rod adjacent to
14. After the engine has been completely reassembled,
each other.
refer to the Lubricating Oil Specifications in Section 13.3
and refill the crankcase to the proper level on the
Tighten the nuts to 40-45 lb-ft torque.
10. Check the connecting rod side clearance. The
15. Close all of the drains and fill the cooling system.
clearance between the side of the rod and the
crankshaft should be .008" to .016" clearance between
16. If new parts such as pistons, rings, cylinder liners or
the connecting rods on a V-type engine.
bearings were installed, operate the engine on the RUN-
11. Remove the liner hold-down clamps.
IN schedule given in Section 13.2.1.
12. Install new compression gaskets and water and oil
seals as outlined in Section 1.2. Then, install the
cylinder head.
1970 General Motors Corp.
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