operating in comparatively clean air.
The most
The air cleaner is designed to remove foreign matter
satisfactory service period should be determined b)
from the air, pass the required volume of air for proper
frequently inspecting the air cleaner under normal
operating conditions, then setting the service period to
operation for a reasonable period of time before
best suit the requirements of the particular engine
requiring service.
application. The following maintenance procedure will
assure efficient air cleaner operation.
The importance of keeping dust and grit-laden air out of
1. Keep the air cleaner tight on the air intake pipe t( the
the engine cannot be over-emphasized, since clean air
is so esseritial to satisfactory engine operation and long
2. Keep the air cleaner properly assembled so the joints
engine life. Should dust in the air supply enter the
are strictly oil and air tight.
engine, it would be carried directly into the cylinders
3. Repair any damage to the air cleaner or related parts
and, due to its abrasive properties, cause premature
wear of the moving parts. Dirt, which is allowed to build-
up in the air cleaner passages, will eventually restrict the
4. Inspect and clean or replace the air cleaner element
air supply to the engine and result in heavy carbon
as operating conditions warrant. In certain dry type
deposits on the valves and pistons due to incomplete
cleaners, it is possible to clean and reuse the element
The air cleaner sump must have a
several times as long as the paper is not ruptured in the
capacity large enough to retain the material separated
process. In an oil bath type cleaner, keep the oil at the
from the air to permit operation for a reasonable length
level indicated on the air cleaner sump. Overfilling may
of time before cleaning is required.
result in oil being drawn through the element ant into the
engine, thus carrying dirt into the cylinder! and also
Air Cleaner Maintenance
resulting in excessive engine speed.
Although the air cleaner is highly efficient, this efficiency
5. After servicing the air cleaner, remove the air inlet
depends upon proper maintenance and periodic
housing and clean accumulated dirt deposits from the
blower screen and the inlet housing. Keep all air intake
passages and the air box clean.
Damaged gaskets, loose hose connections or leaks in
the duct work, which permit dust-laden air to completely
6. Where rubber hose is employed, cement it in place.
by-pass the cleaner and enter the engine directly, will
Use new hose and hose clamps, if necessary, to obtain
lower the efficiency of the air cleaner. If the air cleaner
an air tight connection.
is not serviced periodically, the engine will not receive a
sufficient amount of clean air.
7. Carefully inspect the entire air system periodically
Enough dust-laden air will pass through an almost,
No set rule for servicing an air cleaner can be given
invisible crack or opening to eventually cause damage
since it depends upon the type of air cleaner, the
to an engine.
condition of the air supply, and the type of application.
An air cleaner operating in severe dust will require more
The light-duty oil bath air cleaner (Fig. 1.) consists of a
Service the light-duty oil bath air cleaner as follows:
metal wool cleaning element supported inside a housing
1. Loosen the wingbolt and remove the cleaner from
beneath which is contained a bath of oil. The lower
the air inlet housing.
The cleaner may then he
portion of the housing incorporates a chamber which
separated into two sections of the upper section
serves as a silencer for the incoming air to the blower.
contains the metal wool element, the lower section is
made up of the oil sump, removable baffle and center
Air drawn into the cleaner by the blower passes over the
top of the oil bath, where a major portion of the dirt is
2. Soak the upper shell and element in fuel oil so
trapped, then up through the metal wool where the finer
loosen the dirt; then flush the element with clean fuel oil
particles are removed, then down the central duct to the
and allow it to drain thoroughly.
1970 General Motors Corp.
October, 1970
SEC. 3.1 Page 1