5.4 Fan
The tapped hole in the end of the shaft has beer,
counterbored and increased in depth from 1.00 " to 1.26
slowly by hand. If rough or tight spots are detected,
". A longer hub retaining bolt and a .32' thick washer
replace the bearing.
replaces the former bolt and 1/8" thick washer.
Examine the fan blades for cracks. Replace the fan if
New shims, assembled between the bearing spacer and
the blades are badly bent,. since straightening may
the inner race of the outer bearing, provide .001 " to
weaken the blades. particularly in the hub area.
.006" end play The former shims, which were assembled
between the hub retaining washer and the end of the
Remove any rust or rough spots in the grooves of the
shaft, provide .002 " to .004 " end play.
fan pulley and crankshaft pulley. If the grooves are
damaged or severly worn. replace the pulleys.
The stindle-type fan hub assembly illustrated in Fig. 3
Assemble Hub and Adjusting Bracket
has also been revised. A bearing spacer has been
added and a new outer bearing, which provides a closer
fit on the shaft, replaces the old. A baffle has also been
added to retain the grease and assure lubrication at the
outer bearing. To facilitate installation of the grease
baffle, a .030" by 15 chamfer has been added to the
bore in the pulley.
1972 General Motors Corp
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