Trouble Shooting Engine 15.2
Chart 7 (Cont'd.)
1. Check the oil and bring it to the proper level on the
8. Check the oil pressure with a reliable gage and
dipstick or correct the installation angle.
replace the gage if found faulty.
2. Wrong viscosity of lubricating oil being used;
9. Remove and clean the gage line; replace it if
consult the Lubricating Oil Specifications.
Check for fuel leaks at the injector nut seal ring and
10. Remove and clean the gage orifice.
fuel pipe connections. Leaks at these points will cause
fuel oil dilution.
11. Repair or replace defective electrical equipment.
3. A plugged oil cooler is indicated by excessively high
12. Remove and clean the oil pan and oil intake screen;
lubricating oil temperature. Remove and clean the oil
consult the Lubricating Oil Specifications for the proper
cooler core.
grade of oil to use and change the oil filters.
4. Remove the by-pass valve and clean the valve and
13, Remove and inspect the valve, valve bore and
valve seat and inspect the valve spring. Replace
spring; replace faulty parts.
defective parts.
14. Disassemble the piping and install new gaskets.
5. Remove the pressure regulator valve and clean the
valve and valve seat and inspect the valve spring.
15. Remove the pump, clean and replace defective
Replace defective parts.
6. Change the bearings. Consult the Lubricating Oil
16. Remove the flange and replace the gasket.
Specifications for the proper grade of oil to use and
change the oil filters.
7. Replace missing plug(s).
1970 General Motors Corp.
October, 1970 SEC. 15.2
Page 15