4. Rotate the drum one revolution to relieve the spring from its solid state and then wind two coils of cord
around the periphery, coiling them close to the side of the drum. Sprag the drum against accidental rotation.
5. Pass the boom wire over the deflector pulley/s and through the cleats on the boom to an anchorage
provided at the last powered section.
6. Fully retract the boom checking the operation of the drum during the whole operation. The spring tension on
the drum must hold the boom cord taut at all boom extensions. If the boom cord is wrapped one turn around a deflector
pulley, it must be examined during the operation. If "scuffing" occurs, this can be improved by reversing the coil, i.e.,
"right-over- left" instead of "left-over-right".
7. Check the direction of rotation of the output shaft in the gear box of the Recoil Drum. When looking on the
end of the slotted shaft, the shaft MUST rotate counter-clockwise as the boom is telescoped OUT. (See "Installing the
Spring Motor Recoil Drum").
These drives are supplied in various lengths to suit the individual types of crane. The length chosen should ensure that
the path of the drive is as natural as possible and with- out sharp bends. When installed it should be clipped in place to
support it and provide protection against other moving parts on the superstructure. Both ends, at the Control Box and Re-
coil Drum, should be supported so that the weight of the drive is not hanging on the end couplings.
Do not tightly clip the drive at the Control Box end as the conduit must be allowed to rotate through approx. 900.
To install and set, proceed as follows:-
a. Fully extend the boom. The manual section may be in or out. (Outriggers should be out).
b. Connect the Rotary Flexible Drive to the Gear Box out- put shaft on the Recoil Drum, by locating the tongue
on the Flexible Drive in the slot in the output shaft. Fully tighten the screwed retaining sleeve.
b. By hand, rotate the squared shaft protruding from the center of the pulley shaft at the rear of the Control
Box, until the bronze nut in the actuating arm within the Control Box, is registered against the maximum boom length, i.e.,
when the cursor mark on the nut lines up the maximum length on the actuating arm scale.