prepared es a guide to safe maintenance practices as well as
to safe opereting practices. It is strongly recommended that
This manual provides maintenence personnel with informa-
all serviceman read and become familiar with Catalog 221
tion and instructions for servicing and repairing this
as a pert of service training for this machine.
machine. In order to becomes familiar with the various parts
of the machine, it is urged that maintenance personnel
One copy of Catalog 221 is furnished with each new ma-
study the instructions end illustrations in this manual and
chine. Additional copies of Catalog 221 are available, in
use it es a reference when performing repair or maintenance
reasonable quantities, at no cost. Submit such requests to
the Harnischfeger Technical Publications Department.
An Operators Manual is provided with each machine for the
purpose of providing the essential information regarding
day-today maintenance, adjustment, and lubrication of the
Figure 1-1 illustrates the machine serial number which is
located on the lower front side of the operator's cab. Al-
ways indicate the machine serial number in all correspond-
ence to properly identify the machine, and to ensure that
correct parts are obtained, when ordered.
Sections I, II and Ill of the Operators Manuel have
been duplicated as the first three sections of this
manual to provide maintenance personnel with the
tabulated data, controls and operation, and lubrica-
tion information that may be necessary in the per.
formance of repair or maintenance operations.
The information, specifications and illustrations in this pub-
lication are based on the information in effect at the time
this manual was printed. Continuing improvement and ad-
vancement of product design may cause changes to your
machine which may not be included in this publication.
Each publication is reviewed and revised, es required, to
Figure 1-1. Machine Serial Number
update and include these changes in later editions.
When a question arises regarding your machine, or this pub
lication, please consult your Harnischfeger representative
for the latest available information.
The terms under which this machine is guaranteed are clear-
Any part numbers which appear in this manual are for ref-
ly defined under the warranty which accompanies every
erence only; refer to the P&H Replacement Parts Manual
Harnishfeger product. This warranty, while generous, will
when ordering parts.
be voided if the machine is operated with loads in excess of
the rating plate maximums, under unsafe operating condi-
tions, or with accessories or attachments not designed and
furnished, or approved by the Harnischfeger Corporation.
Modifications made upon the machine which will affect the
Proper maintenance of a machine is essential to its safe
operation or capacity will void the warranty.
operation. Catalog 221, Safe Operating Practices, has been