4. Check that the planet gears run freely in the final and
bearing diameters for scores and wear, and replace the shaft
primary planet assemblies if these assemblies have not been
if any wear is apparent.
disassembled. If these assemblies have been disassembled,
check the following:
10. Inspect the bore in spring cover (77) for scores or
bruises. Smooth out the scores or bruises with extra fine
A. Inspect the planet pin bores in planet hubs (64) and
emery cloth.
(63) for scores or bruises which may have been
caused during the removal of the planet pins. Remove
REASSEMBLY. To reassemble the swing reducer, proceed
the high spots of any scores or bruises sufficiently to
allow a planet pin to be pressed into each bore by
1. Press one bearing cone (41) onto output shaft (50) so
that the large radius of the bearing cone is seated next to
B. Inspect the planet pins for excessive wear at the
the gear end of the output shaft.
bearing area. If the wear exceeds 0.001 inch (0.025
mm) on the diameter, the pins should be replaced.
2. Press bearing cups (41) into the bores provided in end
cover (40). Slide the output shaft through the bearing cups
C. Check planet gears (55) and (65) for excessive wear
from the inside of the end cover until the bearing cone is
and damage to the gear teeth. If the wear is excessive
seated against the inner bearing cup. Support the gear end
or item (72) is replaced because of gear tooth wear,
of the output shaft, and press the remaining bearing cone
replace the planet gear.
(41) onto the output shaft until it mates with the outer
bearing cup.
D. Inspect needle bearings (53) and (64) for freeness of
rollers. Check for pitting, broken rollers, or excessive
wear, and replace the bearings if any of these condi-
Make sure that both bearing cones mate with both
tions exist.
bearing cups.
5. Inspect the gear teeth in housing (72). If the wear is
3. Coat O-ring (42) with grease and install it on the output
greater than 0.015 inch (0.38 mm) when compared to the
shaft. Be careful not to damage the O-ring on the threads of
unworn part of the teeth, replace the housing.
the output shaft.
4. Coat the lip of oil seal (49) with grease and install it in
the bore provided in the end cover. Install seal ring (48) on
the output shaft with the O-ring groove toward bearing
If housing (72) is replaced, replace planet gears (55)
(41). Install snap ring (43).
and (65).
5. Install lockwasher (44) on the output shaft so that the
6. Inspect the large pilot bore at the end of the housing
tab on the inside diameter of the lockwasher mates with the
used to carry end cover (40). Remove all roughness and
slot in the output shaft.
scores using fine emery cloth. so that O-ring (58) will seat
properly in the bore.
6. Place the end cover in a vise with protective jaws so that
the output shaft is free to turn. Wrap a piece of string about
7. Inspect sun gears (39) and (32) for excessive wear by
18 inches (45.7 cm) long with a spring scale attached
comparing the tooth thickness at the worn area of the teeth
around the splines of the output shaft. Adjust locknut (45)
with the tooth thickness at the unworn area. If the wear is
while pulling on the scale until 16-26 pounds (6.6 - 11.8
greater than 0.012 inch (0.3 mm), replace the sun gear.
kg) of pull is required for continuous rotation of the output
shaft. Bend the tab on lockwasher (44) into one of the four
8. Inspect seal ring (48). If the outside diameter or the
slots in the locknut.
O-ring groove have any roughness or scratches, remove
them carefully with extra fine emery cloth.
7. If the final planet hub assembly was not disassembled,
9. Inspect the area of output shaft (50) where the O-rings
install it on the output shaft, and tap the assembly onto the
output shaft until it contacts bearing (41). If the final
seat. If any scratches, roughness, or rust exist, remove it
planet hub assembly has been disassembled, assemble it as
with extra fine emery cloth. Check the threads for damage,
and replace the shaft if the threads are damaged. Check the
described below, and then install it as just described.