hole in the planet pin lines up with the hole in the
A. Press needle bearing (53) into planet gear (55) so that
rim of the planet hub.
the end of the bearing is flush, or slightly below the
side of the gear at each end.
E. Install pin (66) in the rim of the planet hub, and drive
it into planet pin (62) with a 3/16 inch (4.76 mm)
B. Place the planet gear in final planet hub (54) so that
diameter pin punch until pin (66) is 3/16 inch (4.76
the bore of the bearing lines up with the planet pin
mm) below the rim of the planet hub.
F. Repeat the above steps for the remaining two planet
C. Install a planet pin (51) in the planet hub so that it
gears, and check that ail the gears turn freely in the
passes through the needle bearing, and the drilled
planet hub.
hole in the planet pin lines up the hole in the rim of
the plant hub.
10. Turn the housing back on end so that the final drive
D. Install pin (52) in the rim of the planet hub, and drive
end of the housing is facing up. Install sun gear (39) in the
it into planet pin (51) with a 1/4 inch (6.35 mm)
splined bore of the primary planet assembly.
diameter pin punch until pin (52) is 7/16 inch (11.1
mm) below the rim of the planet hub.
11. Install O-ring (58) in the groove provided on end cover
(40). Position the final drive assembly in front of housing
E. Repeat the above steps for the remaining two planet
(72), and slide the assembly onto sun gear (39). It my be
gears, and check that all the gears turn freely in the
necessary to rotate the output shaft slightly to engage the
planet hub.
planet gears with the sun gear and internal ring gear in the
housing. When the end cover mates with the housing, rotate
8. Turn housing (72) to a horizontal position. Install one
the end cover until it is in its original position, as identified
snap ring (36) in the snap ring groove nearest the primary
by the marks placed on the housing and end cover prior to
planet assembly. Install bearing (37) in the bearing bore,
disassembly. Install capscrews (56) with washers (57), and
and install the second snap ring (36).
torque the capscrews to 60 foot-pounds (8.3 m-kg).
9. Install the primary planet assembly in the bore of
12. Turn the housing over so that the primary drive end is
bearing (37), and install snap ring (59) on the primary
facing up. Assemble brake ring (69) and snap rings (70) on
planet hub. Be sure that bushings (61) and (67) are in place.
brake hub (33). Install the brake assembly on sun gear (32).
When the primary planet assembly is in place, rotate it by
Then install the brake assembly and sun gear on the pri-
hand to be sure that it is free to turn.
mary planet assembly.
If the primary planet assembly has been disassembled,
13. Install brake plate (68) so that it engages the teeth of
assemble it as described below, and then install it as just
the brake ring, and is against the brake face in the housing.
14. Place the motor assembly on a workbench with the
motor shaft end up. Be sure that the clearance between
A. Install O-ring (60) in the groove in thrust pad (61).
brake piston (27) and gear housing (21) is 9/32 inch (7.14
Then install the thrust pad in the recessed bore of the
mm). If necessary, tap the brake piston down with a soft
primary planet hub so that the slotted face of the
hammer, or pry it up with two heel bars until the 9/32 inch
thrust pad is facing the planet gears.
B. Install bushing (67) in the primary planet hub oppo-
site thrust pad (61), and check that the thrust pad is
still in place.
Do not use force to install the motor assembly. If
C. Press needle bearing (64) into planet gear (65) so that
the ends of the bearing are flush, or slightly below the
side of the gear at each end.
If the motor assembly has been disassembled, assemble it as
described below, and then install it as just described.
D. Place the planet gear in planet hub (63) so that the
bore of the bearing lines up with the planet pin hole.
Install a planet pin (62) in the planet hub so that it
A. Install two backup washers (10) in the inside groove
passes through the needle bearing, and the drilled
of short bushing (15) and one backup washer (12) in