(2) To unreeve the boom hoist cable, hoist the
dipper up and crowd it out beyond the boom point
Unspool the cable from the drum. Remove the cable
wedge from the cable drum socket and free the cable.
Pull the cable free of the drum and the boom point
sheaves. and lay it out straight on the ground. Roll the
cable into a coil and secure it with wire. Label the cable
for future use.
j. Removing Shovel.
base of the boom. Unreeve the hoist cable as described
(2) Remove the crowd chain by removing the
cotter pin, pin, and connecting link. Lubricate with OE,
label, and store the chain.
(3) Disconnect the electrical line to the dipper
ME 3810-288-12/2-34
trip motor.
Figure 2-31. Dipper trip cable reeving.
the retaining plates at the boom foot pins, and remove
the boom foot pins and boom foot drum from the
h. Adjustments. All shovel front adjustments are
revolving frame.
(5) Drive the carrier clear of the shovel boom
machine converted to shovel operation is placed in
(6) Remove the front drum sprocket lagging.
Coat the sprocket lagging and the boom foot drum
i. Unreeving Shovel Cables.
sprocket with oil to prevent rust.
(1) To unreeve the shovel dipper trip cable,
remove the cable clamp at the dipper trip lever and the
2-10. (controls and Instruments
dead end on the dipper stick. Pull tile cable from the
a. General. The crane operating controls and
drum and sheaves. Coil the cable neatly and secure with
wire. Label the cable for future use.
each control is given below.
Note. the operator must study the information in this
section, and be thoroughly familiar with the location and
function of each control, before attempting to operate the