c. Positioning the Carrier. Back the carrier to the
2-17. Dragline Operation
work site so that most of the work will be performed over
the rear of the carrier. Dumping or unloading should be
a. General. The model M320T2 truck crane, with
done over the sides of the carrier, if possible. Set the
the crane boom and a dragline bucket installed and
carrier brakes, and extend and set the outriggers
reeved for dragline operation, is used to handle material
which is soft, muddy, sticky, or medium hard, and where
d. Operating Cycle. The dragline operating cycle
the loading and dumping points are far apart, both
consists of five steps: casting the bucket, dragging
horizontally, and vertically, where digging is below
(filling) the bucket, raising the loaded bucket, swinging,
machine grade and where the material must be dumped
and dumping. The boom angle position is set before
accurately. The dragline attachment is used for digging
beginning. operations in the same manner as for the
canals, trenches, and levees, making embankments, and
skimming of top soil.
limits before starting operation..