work site so that most of the work will be performed over
2-20. Shovel operation
the rear of the carrier. Dumping or unloading should be
done over the sides of the carrier, if possible. Set the
a. General. The model M320T2 truck crane. with
carrier brakes, and extend and set the outriggers
the shovel attachment installed and reeved as described
firm or hard, the digging and dumping points are not too
c. Operating Cycle. The shovel operating cycle
far apart, accurate dumping is required and the dumping
consists of four steps: filling the dipper, swinging,
point is at the same level as the machine. The shovel is
spotting the dump, and dumping. The shovel boom
used most efficiently when the area being worked is
angle position is set before beginning operations in the
large enough to allow operation approaching the
same manner as for the crane (fig 2-36). Start the crane
maximum working ranges of the shovel attachment.
engine (para 2-11 ) and operate the shovel as shown on
b. Positioning the Carrier. Back the carrier to the