TM 5-3810-295-34
maximum ohmic value of resistance acceptable at a 500
return to approximately the same reading. If not, read just
angle, with the pendulum hanging free, is 50 ohms. Tap
slightly so that the meter shows 50 ohms (max.) when the
the enclosure to break any static friction, or run the
box has been tapped, or vibrated by the engine.
engine at medium idle, and the pendulum should
Figure 8-7. Angle transducer
pot shaft center screw with a screwdriver for a minimum
If the transducer cannot be adjusted far enough due
ohmic value of approximately 100 ohms, across pins "S"
to the limits of the adjustment in the slotted holes,
and "L" (see fig. 8-7). Lock the set screw on the pendulum
then the holes may be increased slightly and/or
shaft. Check that the pendulum is freely swinging and the
thinner bolts, with washers, may be used. If this is
metal sector is not rubbing thru the pendulum travel.
not sufficient, then the pendulum on the pot shaft
Reinstall the cover tightly. Now recheck the resistance
must be repositioned. Rotate the transducer box on
across pins "S" and "L" and make adjustments as indicated
the bracket to mid-position. With the boom still at
in step (11).
50, loosen the set screw on the pendulum shaft.
Loosen the pendulum by turning the