TM 5-3810-295-34
(2) Screws (1) and lock washers (2) are removed
clean cloth.
during the starter removal procedures.
b. Clean the commutator with No.00 sandpaper.
(3) Remove nut (3), lock washer (4), nut (5),
lockwasher (6), washer (7), and insulators (8).Remove
Do not clean drive assembly (50),
screws (9 lock washer (10), and frame (11).
armature (78) or field windings (74) in a
(4) Disassemble frame (11) by removing plug (12)
degreasing tank or with grease
and wick (13).If required remove bushing (14 Remove
dissolving solvents.
These would
and discard packing (15).
dissolve the lubricant and damage the
(5) Remove plug (16) and gasket (17).Remove
screws (18), lock washers (19), and brushes (20).
13-4. Inspection and Repair
Remove screws (21), lock washers (22) and washers
a. Replace all seals, gaskets and packings.
(23).Separate plate assembly (24) from frame (11).
b. Check all housings for cracks or other damage.
Remove washer (25).Remove electrical lead (26) from
Inspect all sealing surfaces for cracks, pitting or rough
he assembly.
spot. Replace any parts found to be damaged.
(6) Remove inspection plug (27) gasket (28) and
c. Inspect the commutator end frame. If it is cracked
adjusting plunger nut (29) from the lever housing.
or distorted, replace.
(7) Compress solenoid plunger spring and with a
d. Inspect the armature bearing surfaces. If they are
suitable snap ring pliers remove snap ring (30). Remove
worn replace the armature. Check the commutator. If it
spring retainer (31), spring (32), spring retainer (33), boot
is worn, dirty, out-of-round, or has high insulation, it may
(34), and washer (35).
be turned down on a lathe. After turning down, undercut
(8) Remove screws (36) and lift solenoid (37) from
the insulation one thirty-seconds of an inch wide and
the housing. Slide plunger (38) from the solenoid.
Sand the commutator lightly with No. 00
(9) Remove screws (39) and (40).Separate drive
housing (41) from lever housing (56).Remove plug (42),
e. Remove all dirt and copper dust with compressed
plug (43), and wick (44).Remove bushing (45) from drive
air and test the commutator bars for opens, shorts, and
housing (41) if necessary.
grounds, using a growler or the lamps.
(10) With snap ring pliers remove snap ring (46)
f. Test field windings with a amp. Replace field coil if
from lever shaft (491 Remove packing (47) and (48) and
the tests indicate opens or shorts.
slide lever shaft (49) from lever (51).Slide drive assembly
g. Replace worn cracked brushes and damaged brush
(50) from the armature shaft. Remove lever (51) from
lever housing (56).
solenoid spring for damage. Replace all defective parts.
(11) Remove packing (52) and brake washer (53)
h. Replace the shift lever if it is cracked or distorted.
from lever housing (56).
Inspect the teeth on the drive assembly and replace the
(12) Remove screws (54) and lock washers (55).
assembly if the teeth are worn or damaged.
Separate lever housing (56) from the starter assembly.
I Replace all snap rings and all hardware with stripped
Disassemble housing by removing expansion plug (57)
threads or damage.
and wick (58)
13-5.Reassembly and Installation
(13) Remove bushing (59) and seal (60) from lever
a Refer to figure 13-1 and reassemble the engine starter
housing, if required. Remove and discard packing (61)
motor follows:
(14) Remove spacer (62) and washer (63) from
(1) Install bushing package (72), washer (71) and
armature assembly (8).
coil insulator (70) on stud (73).Carefully install field
(15) Remove nut (64), lock washer (65),
winding (74) into starter housings. Install insulation (77)
switchconnector (66), nut (67), lock washer (68) and
between the coil and frame.
washer (69).Lift coil insulator (70) off stud (73) and
(2) Set pole shoes (6) in pace and secure the
remove washer (71) and bushing package (2).
shoes with pole shoe screws (75), using a pole shoe
(16) Slide armature (78) from field windings (4),
taking care not to damage the windings or insulation.
(3) Install washer (69), lock washer (68), nut (67),
(17) Remove pole shoe screws (75) with a pole
switch connector (6), lock washer (65) and nut (64) on
shoe screwdriver. Remove pole shoes (76) using a
terminal stud (73).
(4) Install oil seal (60) into hub of lever housing
(18) Remove terminal stud (73) and insulation (77)
(56) and press bushings (59), (45) and (14) into their
from field windings (74).
respective housings.
13-3. Cleaning
(5) Install new packing (61) and place lever
a. Clean all metal parts except the drive clutch
housing (56) on starter frame. Secure housing with lock
assembly (50) with dry cleaning solvent, Federal
washers (55) and screws (54).
Specification P-S-661, and dry all parts thoroughly with
compressed air. Clean the drive assembly with a