TM 5-3810-295-34
(4) Remove nuts (17) and thru-bolt (18). With a
necting the ohmmeter between either slip ring and the
suitable puller, pull drive end housing (19) from ar-
shaft. If a reading is obtained coil is grounded. f the
mature shaft.
coil is defective or slip rings badly worn, the complete
(5) Carefully remove stator (20). Do not damage
rotor assembly shall be replaced.
electrical leads while removing stator.
i Check rectifier assemblies by checking across
(6) Remove screws (21) and lock washer (22). Pull
diodes in both directions. One direction of each diode
cover (23) from slip ring housing. Remove plug (24) and
shall have a low resistance, the other direction shall be
packing (25) from cover (23).
high. If the diodes read low in both directions, they are
(7) Remove brush springs (26), brushes (27), and
shorted and rectifier assemblies shall be replaced.
brush holder (28). Remove regulator terminal board
13-10. Reassembly and Installation
(29) and rectifiers (30) and (31).
a Refer to figure 13-2 and reassemble alternator as
(8) Remove screws (32) and (34), lock washers (33)
described in the following
and (35 Remove slip ring end housing (36), preformed
(1) Press bushing (48), seal (47) and bearing (46)
packing (37), and plug (38). Remove thermal insulator
on the shaft of rotor assembly (49). Place seals (45) and
(39) from the intermediate housing.
(44) and thrust washer (43) on rotor shaft. Secure with
(9) Remove preformed packing (40) and press in-
retaining ring (42)
termediate housing (41) off the armature shaft.
(2) Place intermediate housing (41) over rotor
(10) Remove retainer ring (42), washer (43), seals
shaft, seat properly on bearing (46). Install preformed
(44) and (45), bearing (46), seal (47), and bushing (48)
packing (40) and insulator (39).
from rotor (49).
(3) Assemble plug (38) to slip ring end housing
13-8. Cleaning
(36) Press housing (36) over rotor shaft. Secure to in-
a Clean all metal parts with dry cleaning solvent,
sulator (39) and housing (41) with screws (32) and (34)
Federal Specification P-S-661, and dry thoroughly
and washers (33) and (35)
with compressed air.
(4) Install rectifiers (31) and (30) on housing (36)
b Remove all dirt, dust, and foreign matter from the
Install regulator terminal board (29).
housings and fields with compressed air.
(5) Install brushes (27) and brush spring (26) in
13-9. Inspection and Repair
brush holder (28). Install brush holder in housing (36).
a Inspect all electrical parts frayed or damaged
(6) Place new preformed packing (25) in groove of
insulation. Check for bare spots on all varnish and
cover (23) Install plug (24) in cover. Install cover as-
epoxy coated parts. Recover if necessary.
sembly (23) to housing (36). Secure with lock washer
b Check rotor for wear on bearing surfaces and for
(22) and screws (21
loose or damaged slip rings. If worn or damaged replace
(7) Install stator (20) in housing (19). Press or tap
stator to install in housing. Press bearing (11) into
c. Inspect all parts for excessive wear or other
drive housing (19) and press housing on to rotor shaft
damage. Repair or replace all defective parts.
Make electrical connections of stator leads. Secure
d. Discard all packings and seals removed. Replace
drive housing (19) to intermediate housing with thru-
with new parts.
bolts (18) and nuts (17).
e. With stator leads disconnected, connect a test
(8) Install terminal board (16) and secure with
light from each stator winding lead to the stator core.
screws (15). Install cover (14) and secure to housing (36)
If the bulb lights, the stator is grounded and must be
with washers (13) and screws (12).
(9) Install new preformed packing (10) to flange
f Connect the test light between each winding of
(8). Press sleeve seal (9) on rotor shaft and install
the stator. If the bulb does not light, the stator winding
flange (8). Secure with screws (7).
is open and stator should be replaced.
(10) Place new preformed packing (6) in groove of
g. Using a standard ohmmeter, measure rotor coil
flange (8). Slide flange (5) on rotor shaft and insert key
resistance by connecting ohmmeter across the two slip
(4) in slot provided in shaft. Press pulley (3) on shaft;
rings on the shaft Reading shall be approximately
proper alignment must be maintained. Secure with
7.0-8.0 ohms. If the measured resistance is not within
washer (2) and nut (1).
the requirements, rotor coil is defective.
h Rotor coil shall be checked for grounds by con-
13-11. Description
temperature above 140F for most efficient lubrication,
The oil cooler is a counterflow tube and shell type heat
using coolant from the engine radiator.
exchanger. The cooler maintains the lubricating oil
13-6 Change 1