TM 5-3810-295-34
Counterbored port on throttle shaft must go
(31) Install plug (32 connector (31) and elbow
valve (30) on cover assembly (22). Install ring dowel
(21) Install ring (62) and lock in groove in front of
(29) in cover assembly (22).
cover (63). Install lock seal (60) and wire (61).
(32) Press gear (28) on shaft (27) and gear (26) on
(22) Install lever (59) on shaft and install screw
shaft (25) Lubricate and slide shafts (25) and (27) into
(58), washer (57), lock washer (56) and nut (55).
cover assembly (22).
(23) Press ol seals (54) into drive cover (36). One
(33) Install new gasket (23) and mate the cover
seal pressed with lip toward the outside of pump, and
assembly (22 Locating notches must be aliged.
the second pressed in with sealing lip toward the inside
of the pump. Seals must be spaced so the "telltale" hole
When a right hand rotation pump is being as-
is not covered.
sembled, place the driven gear shaft of the
(24) Press bearing (52) and gears (51) and (50) on
gear pump in the pocket nearest the locating
drive shaft (53). Place ring (49) between bearing (52)
notches. Place the driving gear shaft in the
and gear (51). Press main shaft assembly into front
other pocket. Always locate the ring dowel
cover through the seals. Secure ring (49) in cover
around the driving gear shaft.
(34) Install new gasket (21) and place gear pump
(25) Install key (48) and press coupling (47) on
on housing. Locate notch for right hand or left hand
shaft Install washer (45), lock washer (46) and screw
(44). Hold coupling or shaft in a copper jawed vise
while tightening.
For right rotation locate notch to upper right
(26) Press gear (39) and bushing (38) on shaft of
hand corner (looking from behind the fuel
governor weight assembly (43). Secure with ring (38).
pump); for left hand rotation locate the notch
Coat bushing (38) with high pressure lubricant and
to bottom left hand corner.
press assembly into front cover until bushing seats
(35) Install washer (20) and screws (19) torque in
against housing. Mesh gears to avoid gear tooth
equal increments to 11-13 ft-lb (15--18 N m).
damage. Rotate weight assembly, with weights opened
(36) Install new packing (14) and (16). Place nylon
out, to be sure it will turn completely in housing.
washer (13) on damper plate (12). Coat the damper
(27) If required install shims (41) on plunger (40).
diaphragm (15) with a good grade of 10 wt. or 20 wt. oil
Place spring (42) and plunger (40) into bore of governor
and lay in body (17). Install new packing (18) in body
weight carrier shaft. Plunger must protrude above
gasket face of front cover.
(37) Assemble plate (12) to body (17) and install
washers (10), lock washers (11) and screws (9) and (8).
Weight assist plunger (40) must always be as-
Secure damper to the gear pump. Torque screws to
sembled with the smallest end to the weights.
11-13 ft-lb (15-18 N. m).
This prevents the weights from sticking.
c. Refer to figure 13-6 and install the shutdown
(28) Place a new gasket (37) over the pump hous-
valve to the fuel pump as follows:
ing dowel pins. Install cove (36) to housing (116). Hold
(1) Install a new packing (4) to fuel pump.
the governor weights in to hold the assist plunger while
(2) Install washer (2), lock washer (3) and screws
assembling the cover to housing.
(5). Secure shutdown valve to pump housing.
(29) Position plunger drive tang horizontally and
d Refer to figure 13-5 and install fuel pump as
weight carrier horizontally.
(30) Install washers (34), lock washers (35) and
(1) Install new gasket (7) to the drive cover. Install
screws (33). Torque screws (33) 9--11 ft-lb (12--15
coupling (6) and ratchet support (5).
N . m). Rotate drive shaft to insure tachometer gear is
(2) Mount fuel pump assembly and secure with
properly meshed.
washers (3), lock washers (4) and screws (1) and (2)
13-26. Description
when the air reservoir pressure reaches a
The compact air compressor operates continuously
predetermined figure.
while the engine is running. Actual air compression,
The two-piece cylinder head is a die cast aluminum
however, is controlled by the air governor. The air
construction with integral coring fr increased cooling.
governor, in conjunction with the unloader valve in the
The two-pie head is made up of a head and a head
compressor cylinder head, starts or stops e compres-
cover. A machined bore for an unloader body is
sion of air by loading or unloading the compressor
provided in the head cover. For ease of air and water