TM 5-3810-295-34
(12) Recheck run-out readings.
(3) Check pan to block mating surface to
(13) Check flywheel housing face run-out. If
insure all nicks and burrs have been removed. Install
total face run-out exceeds 0.008 inch, remove housing
gasket (16) into position on pan.
and recheck mating surfaces. Reinstall housing, realign
(4) Position oil pan (15) to block. Pan (15)
dowel and retorque screws per paragraph (11).
must be aligned properly to block to prevent leakage.
d. Refer to figure 14-19. Assemble and install oil
(5) Install washers (11 and 13), lock washers
pan as described in the following:
(12 and 14) and screws (7, 8, 9 and 10). Tighten all
screws evenly to 25-30 ft-lb (33-41 N m) torque.
(1) Install baffle (26), screw (25), plate (24) and
screws (23). Install plugs (22), plugs (21) and plugs (20).
Torquing sequence is shown in figure 14-26.
(2) Install new insert (19), gasket (18) and
drain plug (17).
Figure 14-26. Oil pan torquing sequence.
(6) Install adapter (6), elbow (5) and tube (4) to
flywheel (3) with chamfer facing the same direction it
the oil pan.
did originally.
(7) Install gasket (3) and suction tube (2) to the
(3) Tap gear in place against the shoulder of
oil pan.
the flywheel. If gear does not readily tap into place,
(8) Install by-pass tube (1).
remove and reheat the ring gear.
e. Refer to figure 14-20. Assemble and install
(4) Install retainer cup (9) into adapter (7) bore.
flywheel as follows:
Install two guide studs in adapter (7).
(1) Rest ring gear (4) on a flat metal surface.
(5) Coat screw threads with clean engine oil.
Heat gear uniformally with a torch, keeping the torch
Screw head bearing surfaces and hardened washers
moving around the gear to avoid hot spots.
shall be coated with 140 wt. oil.
(6) Position flywheel (3) over adapter guide
studs. Install washers (2) and screws (1). Tighten in
Do not heat the ring gear over 400F. Ex-
sequence shown in figure 14-27 in 50-60 ft-lb (67-81 N
cessive heating may destroy the original heat
m) increments to a final torque of 200-210 ft-lb (271-
285 N m).
(2) Using a suitable tool, place ring gear (4) on