TM 5-3810-295-34
(c) Remove roller (5) from pedal
Place new packing (34) in plug and install valve (33).
assembly (6).
(b) Install valve (32), packing (31) and
(d) Remove boot (7) and detent plunger
retainer (30) in valve body (36).
(8) from mounting plate (9).
(c) Install new packing (28) on seat (27)
(e) Remove screws (10), and
and install spring (29) and seat (27) in valve body (36)
lockwashers (11) and lift mounting plate (9) from carrier.
secure with retaining ring (22).
Remove stop button (12) from the mounting plate.
(d) Install spring (26), diaphragm (25) and
(f) Remove retainer (13) and gasket (14)
clinch washer (23). Secure with screw (24).
from valve body (36). Discard gasket.
(e) Install new packing (20) on piston (19)
(g) Remove screw (16), seat (15) washer
and install spring (21) and piston (19) in valve body (36).
(17) and spring (1i) from the valve assembly.
(f) Install spring (18), seat (15), and
(h) Remove piston (19) from valve body
washer (17). Secure with screw (16).
(36) and remove packing (20) and spring (21) from the
(g) Install new gasket (14) and retainer
piston assembly. Discard packing.
(13) on valve body (36).
(i) Remove retaining ring (22) and
(h) Install stop button (12) on mounting
remove screw (24) and clinch washer (23).
plate and reinstall plate (9). Secure with lock washer
(j) Remove spring (26) and seat (27).
(11) and screws (10).
Remove packing (28) from the seat and discard packing.
(I) Install detent plunger (8) and boot (7)
(k) Remove spring (29), retainer (30) and
to mounting plate.
valve (32). Remove packing (31) and discard.
(j) Install roller (5) to pedal (6) and install
(l) Remove valve (33), packing (34) and
pedal assembly to mounting plate with pins (4 and 2),
plug (35) from valve body (36). Discard packing.
cotter pin (3) and roll pin (1).
b. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair.
(2) Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and reinstall the
(1) Clean all metal parts of the valve assembly
treadle valve assembly in the brake air system in
with cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680 or
reverse order of removal.
equivalent) and dry thoroughly with compressed air.
(2) Discard all preformed packing and replace
18-18. Brake Actuating Valve
with new in reassembly.
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(3) Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks or
(1) Refer to TM 5-3810-295-12 and remove the
excessive wear. Repair or replace as necessary.
brake actuating valve.
(4) Inspect all fittings and mounting hardware
(2) Refer to figure 18-7 and disassemble the
for stripped or damaged threads. Replace as necessary.
actuating valve as described below.
c. Reassembly and Installation
(1) Refer to figure 18-6 and reassemble the
remove clamp (3).
brake treadle valve assembly as follows:
(a) Install plug (35) in valve body (36).